LongSleeve Wayne Rooney Kit ...
Flicksrtranzition of Reel-to-Reel as a blink , as a Siren batting Her eyes
Kant fins a song I heard in the austhere ; i only have A 90second recording with interspered Talking-over
Amtrak Gruel , eatign it soon , my ownPafked goods , oat
Its Givingytree shel silverstein
Would orson welles have done ozempic
J Kenji Lopez Alt is on Ozenpic
Cant Evn imagine Gaming today
One Pill make s U larger
DumphoneKondoists , i can say This i have payed my green Blood oath, do Not understand that what comes next is Atomicity , j will be writing on this Soon
My Favorite thing at the Diner growing up was not the Pancakes , no not the French Fries , but Jello and Whipped Cream for dessert
You Cna no longer trust ypur eyes , Ears are now king
At A gathering once , i observed a Cool looking Couple , commonplace now this , pick Up some publication , some Ripley's 582 Movies to See before You go blind , may have only been 84 i digress , and say, more or less, Why is Everything in Here so Old? You'd think theyD be recent"
Lets See paul allens neoVim config
Mets blew It
I Can only stomach Silence now
This Kitchens not the Smae ,, without U …
I Used 2 like playing the rubber Frog lilypad hammr game at the boardWalk the most
Evrybodys at the lake
Meditating on my Bootleg camcord Watch of megalopolis ..
What Is Blamed , nfu, digital fora are Innocent , they got the wrong guy
Nuclear Family Unit, Emphasisunit, product Of postwar reintegration , corpostructure as Relic of pastlooking seniors , polarized politics and Language-terminologies product of a majority participation nd exposure to Such structures ; frequemtly blamed infoinnovation only kindling
The Language of Work invades Home
Viewing events behind the Lens of Trend is akin to masslabeling as Consumption
Need2 wear a Widebrimmed hat in the Pouring rain with my coatcollar up shielding Me
U dont hear DannyBoy anymore or Hes a Jolly Good Fellow
This will be my one and Only comment on the matter I hv taken to my stylitw
It was inevitable that there would Be a Koronation when the mantra of the Electoratw is to accept What is put in front of them ;; they are only giving the People what they want ,, but the window dressing must stay , because Money says so ;mayb im too Young
people read King and pulp and romance and comic books , nothing againstnthat i am only making a parallel to today
I am too young to know but will anyone or has anyone asked these questions ? Those who predated personal distributed computing at an adult age are dying ; but i assume that the denominators rhyme , not many people went deep into the stacks looking for something old-new
one of the Great Errors of ourtime is regarding the emergence of the Digital as an industrial revolution and not an informational revolution , therefore we can get closer to an answer if we examine the Relation between the individual and centers of media and collective nd c media
anyway read Schrader http://paulschrader.org/articles/pdf/2006-FilmComment_Schrader.pdf
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin pardon me
ancillary platforms like AppleTv+ and Disney+ and Hulu and Paramount and ... are strictly Used for new tv series ;; Free Ad Supported platforms have a different socioeconomic userbase so they are excluded and an afterthought for the philistine movers nd shakers
Bluebird day today
I hold my hands interlocked up against my stomach and let the water fill my well then i lift my finger and watch the water leave me , over and over and over
But one day he realizes he is not who he thought he was , the dream of youth fades , he can feel the pillowcase against his cheek ; eden is gone forever -- just 5 more minutes is all he asks , he is cast out
I was close 3-10 no free throws 7pts
Going to drop 38pts on some fools tn (i will go 2-7 and 2-2 on free throws)
I think im gonna become a cross country skiing guy
Good decision to not bring my headphones today i was able to fully take in and savor the scenery
I dont remember falling asleep last night do you
On that one tweet i retweeted yesterday i was the first one maybe the second now there are hundreds im just here to support all my mutuals good posts
So much snow lol
Hey twitter world
Translated latin terribly earlier in the day not too bad tho
I just tweaked my hamstring while walking
indigenous is a fixed term do they know ? darwin was a creationist but he never realized it how else could aristotle have categorized everything when all is fluid, all is the stream all is the sand on the beach all is a mile in another mans shoes but it can never be the same mile
I love that when they went looking for dave bixby after all those years he was doing civil war reenactments
listening to some good good hold music rn
eating beets and cabbage and some chickpeas N tahini
https://youtu.be/CjwzWZBAksw was listening to this without seeing the track information and was like damn whoever this is really loves the stooges lol
yogurt and jam makes flavored yogurt who knew
i don't sleep well after having a few drinks anymore
Don Lemon is the real life Michael Corleone
i saw a squirrel yesterday isnt it supposed to be hibernating by now
crawling out of my den to catch the sunrise behind the clouds
the laptop is positioned underneath the tv stand on a cardboard box to give me a chance of saving it in case of a spill or leak ; i feel more connected than ever , my hands are inside the machine i've made
conor and trout fish have influenced my present writing style
never had a cumulative 3.0 or above ; sitting at a 2.99 going into the final lap ...
i need a memo pad where can you buy a good one these days i have a few but they are more like a sticky pad hybrid like a legal pad but poorly realized there's no cover and you can't flip to the next page but you can rip them out easily but there's no adhesive
tweeting from my tv and i am sitting 8 inches from the screen
the report from the ground is that while materially things arent that bleak among peers ( it could always be worse ) the morale definitely is can't tell if its just that age or if its performative one-upmanship or if its both or neither
Footprints in the sand and on the moon is imprecise , no , we are seashells awaiting collection
My eyes got worse
we need a walking man , we need a forrest gump craze, we need a man who walks, he walks far distances without stopping, and charli d,amelio walks alongside him for a mile
my indoor friends follow: one is a slide, another is an alpargata, one is a slipper, for these i wear special socks, and another is like a hospital sock
i have nine pairs of slip on shoes: one is my old reliable, there are cracks in the sole, another i got for free, one is open-toed formal, another is closed-toed formal, it has laces but just for show, one is also closed-toed, but more of a clog; this is the outdoor contingent
mind the little ones
busy man very soon
turquoise and orange winter sunset my favorite
it makes me doubt all art or artifacts not behind glass now i have another reason not to go to museums besides them being overwhelming
now that the climate change protester museum art vandalism media moment has passed i didn't see much discussion about how it was always acknowledged that the piece of art targeted was a replica did everyone know that this was common practice already or am i out of the loop
If only a clean slate, if only a green field
I do love opening wrapped presents and they know it
I'll give chase the benefit of the doubt and tell myself that its the hbo producers and the writers at fault he's a local boy i grew up not far from where he did. I dont know how else to explain it its just that there are moments where they are really playing to the audience
now you can say oh why cant tristate italian americans be well-to-do and they can i know plenty but it's forced and i don't feel it is done respectfully at least midway through season 1
its basically tristate italian americans doing and saying and interacting with things that well-to-do people deal with
Watching the sopranos and I cant tell if its meant to be so condescending or if david chase just tailored it for a certain group of people and on that note if thats the case it makes so much sense why it became a thing again in the past couple yrs
I watched the graham hancock netflix it was ok always preferred randall carlson to him on both subject matter focus and carlson being the archetypal cool boomer tho both can be sort of broken records
Today another grain of sand passes through the hourglass
spent too long workshopping this i was trying to connect he got that dawg in him and 23 and me
test came back 89% dawg i did a marley and me
A car would be useful but also the upkeep and bills required ...
I tire of attire
Watching charlie brown christmas
I've been letting some internet people live in my head for too long
I made bacon and eggs
Several furs piled onto a chair in layers, hurry! fetch another log
i hitchhiked today (in my own way)
this tweet is sponsored by: the shadow government
Shes dead wrapped in plastic
*to a large audience
Those who have everything to say and to teach will never wish to broadcast these things by nature
What do koi do in the winter
netflix still being around is mostly first love attachment -- it was always netflix and chill -- people will give them a million chances
I made brownies
Jimmy buffett is so powerful how
People are testing edge cases of chatgpt for free (and attemtion) they do it for free !
It would be pretty cool if I could unburn myself that would be nice 👍
I thought i was in the clear when I pulled the pan out of the oven now i stand at the sink with my hand under the running faucet
None of these people know that you can finesse udemy easily and every time I have tried to tell them it goes in one ear and out the other
Duck and sweet potatoes for early dinner
Sports tv commentators are a joke
The solution to not being on the phone was judt going outside who knew
I had long hair again in dreamland
At the restaurant they were playing hamster youtube videos on the tv i was in my element
Ween Chocolate Town
sorry charlie ...... https://twitter.com/PeanutsNoCont/status/1598169934500335616
We were never given the Jack Black Tobuscus tandem medium budget comedy flick we deserved its too late now
didnt even make it to the new year without getting scrapped lol realized i was adding more dirt to the pile when i've been tired of shoveling decided on just fixing my bike up and finishing my little stack o books ill play the rest of the year by ear
It's gonna be a couple weeks of me pyun fulci and keaton
Im free
Coffee era comes to a close today
I planned on reading instead of studying this morning but mistakenly opted for the latter it was of little use I should have brought my book
Driving flurries
Drivel in a dress
But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity
Rosemary Kennedy
I am en route to the village idiot's convention
Chess is a game of memorized openings and proceedings ; conversation is ,, unfortunately, really ,, a game of memorized openings and proceedings
"Your cadence is well suited for a podcast" seems to be a newly common generic complement I'm trying to read between the lines as to what that really means any thoughts
it's been three years since Gunna was spotted in this outfit. One million likes. It's been two years since MF Doom died. Three hundred thousand likes. Moments of lucidity ,, now back to Reels ...
I used to think I was laughed at behind closed doors -- that anybody laughing on the street was mocking me -- but I came to the realization that it is more likely that I am scarcely spoken of:: freeing
I am embraced by fefe1967 as I#### scroll ;;;; the new cycle begins
I can't hide my contempt sometimes
"He's your favorite rappers favorite rapper" he says, as he glances at the notifications from the @<artist>intern instagram account he runs , before searching for his disposable pacifier -- what a curious creature ,, he is easily satiated by reruns of cultural moments
What is it that draws the moth to the light
Stupid sexy skallas
I think im gonna do a spa day have some extended free time soon i earned it big fan of a good sauna
Just need to get to friday morning
The joe groban expreience
there are five states of being: country bumpkin, city slicker, hip urbanite, suburban drone, online eccentric
you hear ipad kid thrown around a lot but nobody has ever thought to say neo-boobtuber
urban:rural has silently become digital:urban:rural
nothing specific just a type of jacket would suffice
Any ideas for a light jacket straddling casual-business casual i'd wear it with a merino polo and wool slacks and moccasins ,, it's been torturing me for a while thought I had the answer with a wool sport coat but not quite right partly because of the pattern would prefer solids
It's for the bullet holes, puta
It's funny how things turned out
I cant believe people actually buy castro638cia it was 0 attempts
I dont think i turned the burner off
Bought 2 bags of candy knowing itd be a battle not to eat the 2nd bag right away I lasted 5 min
that they now have an opportunity ,, should they be there early enough ,, to repost and rehash the successful replies of past cycles for attention and recognition ? I too can be loved
Surely influencers of all audiences must tire of rehashing the same few canonized recycled texts and ideas ,, they do it because it works on new eyeballs , this makes sense to me , but what about people who stick around -- do they get excited when the wheel comes back around ?
I left my ring toe on the radiator too long and got burned it'll fit nicely with my pinky toe next to it i tore off the entire nail by accident last week , just a couple of misfit toe buddies now
I can see where I stand and I can see the bluff opposite me; I can see the bridge too but I can't make my feet move, maybe one day
Does a surfer own the waves
Going to the mcdonalds early in the morning to find old guys to talk about my suspicions as to how nov 22 1963 really went down
Despite the nowcommon collective experience of spending 30min looking 4 something to watch, and also in part due to the Series winning over the Film outside of bigbox fare ,, people want shows , and they want Prestige shows, so I define the boundaries of search at Netflix and Max
Even Tubi, like i have said before, most of these titles were on Amazon Prime Video for years , because they are either cheap to license (because majority do not value Scarlet Street or Enter the 36 Chambers, even less for any B-movie), or public domain, but nobody really looks
Netflix Drives our antiexploration kultur; the appearance of Salieri-Amadeus ReactionGif is concurrent with the film's offering on the platform, it is one thing for new visual media entry to have a Moment, even if micro, but for older items the domain is constrained to streaming
für elise Icecreamman
Total Linux Desktop Victory
911 was too tragic to do the same i wonder kf ther will be the aame about this one in 50yrs
In Middle school i took an rlective which was 80% JFK assassination Conspiracy class taught by an old historyteacher who was ramping down to retirement it was the best thing ever I know all the angles and culprits nd stories it nd it primed me well for Libra which inread later on
Cult Of Purrsonality https://twitter.com/PunchingCat/status/1813789724647247909
It's a good one tonight
Listening 2 the thunder
I was Set Free ; a video appearedto me as an Angel on a hilltop,, and i have set down my tools nd walked , nomore urge, nmore compulsion
Stereolab https://youtu.be/75i51xd3f00?si=G4UPB_VAb0oEKdA9
I can feel the Chill of the fallalready
I heard it was You
Never understood the wikipedia or youtube rabbithole i dont have the attention span or patience closest i get to that is speedrunning letterboxd discovery because its just pictures and names
Making some steps in the right direction
Going norwood 3 on my haters
Oh to watch jerry springer over lunch ...
I watched an english movie in french subtitles today and i understood all of what I read
Are you proud of me
I need mark margolis to tell me that i need perspective
I cut my finger on a can i wasnt paying attention
I am not wholly convinced that there is much to say about anything
After two years of it brewing in my mind i finally tried making pb&(raspberry)j oatmeal and I was so right which makes me curious to see if the elvis holds up pb&banana is great but havent gone for the bacon at least inside the oatmeal yet
Too often you will see people use the maxim "use the right tool for the right job" but they have failed to understand the scope of the problem; all the tools are hammers, barely distinct, in which case, it is best to use the one with the most comfortable handle
Walking at a slow and measured pace
I dont think id know what to do with the money
I wont really have time to watch the world cup until the knockout stages but will probably watch the us game today since they wont be making it out of the group and i like bale
I am Prometheus but there is no eagle , instead I must watch Sisyphus for all eternity and I cannot look away
if i must have an exposed bookshelf im going to organize it such that the spines face the wall so what you look at is just the edges no way for someone unfamiliar to know which is which at first glance
It's never worth it to read user reviews, it always upsets me
I think my essay partner has been subliminally influenced by youtube video essays (?) he put the title as "the optional:<adj> x of y" all of what i think are video essays mind you i never click on them all have a title in that format
Bitter tears run, never again to freeze against the mountain face. In sweet dreams, chills are forgotten; days past under the sun envelop me. My eyes, yearning to be closed in the warmth of the sun's rays, close, as I await the sunrise before the sunrise
Breakfast sandwich with three pc bread but the middle bread is an egg in the hole
not the chickens but the neighbors
Half of my neighbors chickens were killed by rats , they burrowed under and into the enclosure and there was no rooster to protect them because the town says you can't have em - very dramatic to think about i feel bad but also they deserved it
it's the godfather lol
Everything is still
The rain has turned to snow
Was planning on having a productive night but had enough drinks to get to that limbo where you can't do anything but you aren't drunk so likely gonna watch a movie once my stew finishes
Resisting urge to go buy cigarettes im already in pjs so
I remember being so taken by this one movie about these children in spain where two of them ascended and were taken by angels we watched it in sunday school
blessed are the mental cattle, for they shall find pasture
on one hand, i don't know how elon convinces people to step in until the ship is righted on the other hand dev/prod separation exists for a reason, things can stay the way they are for a while thats my sensible take on the matter, that will be all, back to scheduled programming
except me, jack; i meld into the fabric of space-time
Books reduced to decoration, tragic
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche
I cry a million tears ; They fill in where drought has left the river banks dry
I could also have been the fool all along
Everything always comes back to this image of a stream i've long let go of the boulders jutting up out from the water and have let it carry me while others are desperate to hold on as long as they can it sounds like im making myself out to be superior to others im not i promise
Someone in middle school of all places said they would only try to keep up with new tech until age 21 and then they would accept becoming old i think about that so often maybe its jarring to me bc these people are trying to extend their youth or rather a lament over its passing
I jettisoned myself from that in 2019 but I have friends who are still into it to some extent and as a result of my self imposed exile they sometimes now feel alien i try not to talk about pop culture with them anymore also maybe this is just the nature of aging
Its interesting to watch the rap scene from 2015ish and its audience become crystallized idk how else to articulate it but how can you be someone who follows these social media accounts that posts the same "it's been x years since y" thing maybe its not that deep it usually isnt
Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt justitiam: quoniam ipsi saturabuntur
First few cold and snowy days and i am already daydreaming of florida
billions must ... shiver
cozybros ... https://twitter.com/LeopoldHeinrich/status/1592541169040461826
This is my favorite one that ive found what a gem the bridge is kinda weak but it doesn't ruin it
Every time ive been to mass since they updated the liturgy some years back i always chuckle at the "it is right and just" response its so silly
I changed my mind again
Was set on only one beer for tonight but I'm going for two the mood is right
Yeah it's totally just a bit haha totally
I see 1234 everywhere
Imagine being the dudes in the tfw no gf doc seems like a lights come on in the club thing
Shadow people are accompaniing me while I study one ran by me then stopped the water fountain flow for a milisecond
I think we have enough evidence from post iphone babies that digital interfaces are just too hard for a lot of people man needs manalog tools
How many crossovers can an automaker reasonably have i was looking yesterday at cars online just browsing theres like 9 per manufacturer
The universe is telling me not to go but I already put my contacts in
I hurt my hip over the weekend but i have a basketball game tonight going to play anyway and drop 30 points
Not in the sense that my grammar is improving but i get what the terms mean now
In learning latin i am finally starting to understand grammar rules in 3 prior languages i learned to various ability levels i did through blind rote over time
I'm too much of a hater perpetual curmudgeon
A couple holding hands while speedwalking
Wandering in search of my στῦλος
Twilight Zone Kick the Can but it's old men playing dominoes at their table at the usual spot for eternity
Sometimes I dream of being a local don maybe a neighborhood boss I'm paid respects while I patron the diner around the corner
You would think bullshitters would go nose blind
Beautiful sunset rn though
I think i scared off a potential employer
I should have worn a better jacket
Culture is not stagnant skallas is wrong he's just looking at media that have had their day in the sun and expecting the sun to rise again, expecting the same day to come again but that can never be
My life is a movie (rain man) fr
I only have platitudes to offer you
Making stew was such a good idea great leftovers
A picture is worth a thousand words but how many words is a single word that evokes a picture in the mind's eye worth
If you pay close enough attention you can get a glimpse of who that person once was
Ken Iverson Arthur Whitney Chuck Moore
Never been a bumper sticker guy i leave my walls barren at home i have paintings but they are on the floor leaning against the wall but the please be patient im 9 years old one is so funny
Insufferable yes but everywhere I look at posters on here and think if only you knew what I knew maybe they do know and came to the same comclusions but they are acting in their own interests im just a passive observer im not trying to be a cog in a patronage system
My model is better than anyone elses that I can find I'd share it but it needs to be refined and defenses prepared right now it's just an idea but it's correct i'll probably leave it to the moths though
Cuz i wna chill Laid up in a jacuzzi Sippin bubbly W my fingers on the uzi
Daylight savings 😩😫😩😫
There was no reason for me to make that much rice and beans at once but i got it inch perfect no measurement no excessive cramming to fit into a large deli container
I was gonna say something
In a big retweet era
making this public so it will be embarassing if i dont do at least one
2023 buy and van/hatchback and vanlife it get to c2 french read lingua latina per se illustrata vol 1&2
I want to eat another pupisa but ive had too many beans today
21 can u do sumn for me 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I was listening to this on the radio and i was like hm this sounds like steely dan and its because it is lol still a good cover though
Almost forgot to register for my mailin ballot so i can write in huhnkie lee
1/3 done knocked the sausage and beppas out out the park but thats expected of me if not they would be forced to confiscate my italian american heritage card
Going to make a beef stew and sausage and peppers and some chicken cutlets this weekend
I may be pigeon toed but u cant be scraping your feet against the ground as you walk cmon find some shoes that fit
No such thing as wasting or ruining your life dont let anybody tell u otherwise
No moderation only deprivation or indulgence thats the best i can do fe ya final offer
Im a very big fan of that compilation album
im not trying to stop these people from having fun and doing what they want to do (though i sternly disapprove silently) i just dont want to be associated in any way
I stood on my Tubi soapbox for Ages nd no one Listened , my hidden TikToksrs are nowsubject to the "mythical pull" Rubes ,,my work is done , i pack up my Bindle and makeways elsewhere My thumb is outstreched
Cather is my Favorite author i think
why apprehension to Duty and Obligation , why does Will take us against the currents ; is the tree Sore over what it must give to the birds And the sun and rains for what they must give to the trees
Im never Mad im only ever disappointed
The Medium is the Message , and our walls are thin
The Forms are amorphous now , you can Be anything Anywhere , what is stopping U from Posting in the "" Product Reviews "" section ,, what is stopping you
Lines r blended now with algorithmkultur ;; it reaches into evrything and the oldSignifiers are gone ; its harder to tell who is doing what Simon Says and who isnt
Stroszek // Silver Street // Woyzeck
I bought More books
They make it a Hassle to Log out these days they want u to stay loggedin
There are Segments of people who take Great pride in reciting uninterestingnd sometimws untrue Factoids , in past lives they woulf give directions to wayfarers and would be happy to Tell you of the landmarks and sights along the wY in great detail
Its hard to talk about music with other people because its always a tightrope of not trying to be the guy who listens to music to be able to say they are into a genre that sounds cool idk how else to describe it i dont even like genres and categorization of music in that way
given how often people seem to screenshot texts to show others for various reasons i wonder how self aware of it people are as in do they send messages anticipating they get screenshotted or is there a gentlemens agreement to be authentic
kami-sama ...
Its time to face the e-music and they are e-sweating and e-flailing
daylight savings isnt worth it anymore the interest rates are so low you only get a couple pennies per year
I ordered the wrong sandwich was in my head
I needed a whole day off to myself but just tonight will do for now
I have been trying to find pants that feel like good pj pants that i can wear out the closest i have to that are some nice linen pants but i cant overwear them bc they need to be cared for
If i were to wear scrub bottoms for pants regularly would i be doing the same to nurses as the dudes who wear all workwear stuff but do no work
when u are getting your lifeguard certifications they teach you that for some people it is better to let them start to drown first before you save them lest they take you with them this is universal
It was always going to turn out this way
Trunk or treat is crazy
I had to tell the kids that I had no candy for them <\3
Vito corleone but hes stimming
Thomas jefferson is definitely the spiritual father of american computing
finem loquendi omnes pariter audiamus Deum time et mandata eius observa hoc est enim omnis homo
everybody wants to talk about generational wealth but what about generational swag what about generational sauce
birch treee https://twitter.com/nealjclark1/status/1587071362115534850
as much as i think lonesome dove is mediocre i am more or less july johnson
essentially their time has passed before they even came they just dont know it
to sharpen your iron. but taste does not matter in the grand scheme of things im only addressing what it means to be cool. i diverged so i return again. i cant articulate this point without taking the easy way out of pointing to technological advancements in communication but
being a high follower account without the reciprocal mutuals implies lcd audience which implies lower ceiling of content quality and ease of monetization now is a force multiplier. individual taste has a higher ceiling than collective taste and it is easier than ever to find iron
so no comments were allowed and you could only do video replies i think it'd be too much to handle but it's a step up higher in the same way the tiktok for you page elevated the medium. i return to my point this is why everything that comes out of there is more o less sterile now
tiktok and the video world is a whole different beast than the text one because of the nature of it there is an unequal dynamic in video based media you respond in text while yes you can do reply videos i think plaintext comments outnumber video replies by a lot if tiktok made it
down tho i still prefer an offline crowd to be around whats different now though is i think only high mufo ratio accounts can be cool in the post forum online world no big accounts because they tweet for mass appeal and mass appeal is uncool what we have left is meshes of lowbies
that nyt article about the brooklyn hip is funny because it makes clear what is going on and has been going on for 20 years everything cool is happening online and i dont think it transfers to the real world because none of those people are remotely cool that isnt to put them
on the virtue of the lowbie and what constitutes cool online
I ripped out too much of my pinky toe nail
George Michael
Slide offa your satin sheets Slip inta your long soft mink
Im a mark sanchez apologist
"guys guys i dont tweet like these ones that blew up i usually talk about silly mundane thing" is the new "why am i not getting likes i must be shadowbanned"
want to subscribe to a bunch of channels like this guys channel and keep up with them theres a ton of great ones i come across but i know theyll still be there waiting for me when i want to listen
People in the computer business can be pretty creative Unlike the traditional businessman Yknow the astronauts didn't read poetry But thats changing Hi, Gary This is an exciting place for you to work Yeah, I guess Id say so Computers are as much of means of expression as language
Dressing up as addison rae's dad tonight
What drives someone to go buy a self help productivity seminar book a friend was telling me what he was reading and bless him but I could tell it was from one of those top 100 books to read ever list with a mix of tolstoy n atomic habits he said he was trying 2 get into hemingway
Ben Franklin rizz
The cream will always rise to the top like for anything if they are really that into it they will find a way not saying I was the cream tho I never cared enough
At home i read but never anything in my parents limited library I experienced the same when I tried to buy a book set in the hopes that my brothers would pick them up@but they never did and they never will but hey thats just my experience
I can only speak for myself but you can put a lot of effort in2 planting books for your kids or whatever younger person to read but they are gonna read what n when they want at school id read anything that i could get my hands on instead of paying attention up until middle school
What if we kneecapped all the on the street what are you listening to gay son thot daughter interviewers with a louisville slugger i think the world would become a better place it would take an afternoon if we all worked together
Addison Rae
I think professional chefs are a form of carneys in a way
People make such a big deal out of nothing
Subconscious envy passed as dismissive advice for self serving purposes
I ate too many baked goods
I dont know what i would do if i wasnt Him i cant even himagine
Or anchcorage maybe
Its too warm here for october now im gonna move to yellowknife or whitehorse
Dont read too deeply into the use of rube here it's for the sake of the reference im in the shower and when you sing in the shower it sounds better than outside of it
Once u cross 3 or 4k u become a rube ikon then u either embrace it (become funny) or it goes to ur head (pseud)
that is to say, attitudes of surrounding peoples seeping into and influencing that of insular peoples so not as insular as it seems no connection like this was made in his writing though it was used in context of other immigrants to US too
Rare for someone of high follower status who still takes themself seriously to bring up something worth consideration but 2cb wrote about a paper talking about ashkenazi jewish culture aligning with protestant work ethic and it makes you think about strength of insular cultures
I am divinely chosen
She eats her food without tasting it because she decided years ago that taste is not the point. The point is to clean the plate.
I scored 9 points in my basketball game it was actually 10 but the scorer only gave me two for my three pointer
with every new acquaintance you can be reborn
yeah you can teach a man to fish but what happens when he gets bored of fishing what happens then
My great grandfather had to have his leg amputated so my mom would tell me of all the times theyd watch the soap operas together
Soap operas too in a way but not quite the same
Reality tv is an extremely pure form of entertainment there is no trivia or analytic component it just is what it is
Theres a variation of the Phantasm theme thats only in the movie but nowhere else so anytime i want to listen i have to pull up the movie and go to the timestamp
Youtube algorithm is back im getting a ton of <5ksubs music channels with 100 view videos in my recommended
i am putting the smilectics in motion...
Moderation is virtuous yeah but there is beauty in the waves and in the peaks and valleys, how boring the world would be if everything was flat and consistent
surfaces that have become taboo to touch because "dirty" are clean because no one touches them i always hold the railings up and down the stairs
I got the jury duty notice in the mail
If you have a good reputation you can just say heartfelt things to other people that you don't really mean to your benefit up until a point of course its not something you can abuse without losing credit
me to iced coffee drinkers https://youtu.be/2IAJFCxAP_Y
This october has been too warm
You can walk out of mcdonalds with a tray and just keep it they wont stop you
Rote helps build the man.
Made some salmon and accidentally left the pad underneath it hopefully ill be ok
someone tore out a page of the book im reading wtf
excuse the rare comment on the moment
most epic stories are bland and boring idg putting them on a pedestal
commercialization and analytics ruin professional sports but the silver lining is that with each year it gets easier to abandon tho i admit i still care a little bit and i think a lot of people still do
Its so funny to imagine someone typing "no talking" at the end of their asmr@youtube video search its in seemingly every video title i see for them
rustling of the leaves, whispers of the wind
My cuban side of the family came over with the first of them in the tobacco industry to tampa my great great great grandfather was a reader he read aloud while they rolled cigars
On the street interviewer but they only interview people doing on the street interviews
Its so sad seeing people u know fall victim to corporatespeak and letting that bleed into their nonwork lives
Im more attached to my grandparents homes than my childhood home
Idek why i go on tiktok anymore its been a while since i have seen something truly standout
Movie that is set as a vhs home wedding video but has the allure of the kaytranada boiler room set wrt the background characters
I beat the Saturdays are for the Boys tapestry allegations
Just checked in with vojtech he is feeding the skunks and the possums and the raccoons
I had nice hiking boots and trail runners but i got rid of them not into the trash but on ebay for much cheaper than they were worth i believe in second hand clothing karma but im in a slip on shoe phase which i think is gonna persist so maybe it will be worth it this time
I think im gonna cave and buy some merrels mocs i need a winter shoe that isnt boots feel conflicted tho i feel like im jacking some nerdy guys i grew up withs swag though
Coffee really brings out my contempt its no fun the days are too long to go without it atm unfortunately
vestite la giubba e ridete, pagliaccio
they make fun of american anti-intellectualism and rightly so sometimes but only a fool believes an educated man is immune to trickery
The trouble with learning to ride a bicycle is that you cant forget
Personally I rock With criss cross applesauce
tactical norwood
instead of doing a backpacking trip or a brief residency somewhere i think im gonna build an ark
stepping up my thermal game this year im buying one piece full body ones hanes calls them "union suits"
i like doing outdoor activities but most outdoor hobbyist types are a chore to be around i think the solution is to convince people i actually like to do these things
all of the venerable and storied people in my family are my great grandmothers on both sides
to be fair to them i could get by with a minifridge and a large deep freezer my pantry is always stocked like theirs tho i definitely eat out way less maybe its because i grew up with a lot of junk snacks and these people were deprived idk i used 2 eat 40 pizza rolls in a sitting
ive seen a few grocery hauls on here and...where are the meals? its just snacks cody ko who i dont keep up with anymore but him and his wife did a series where they review peoples fridges then they showed their own and it was just sauces and drinks no food granted pantry was full
how do you raise the bar if you are the bar how do you keep up with the joneses if you are the joneses
i have been everywhere and i have been everyone
There is this new trend on tiktok where people trauma dump off beat to an instrumental that they are playing in the background so each sound is unique so its impossible to block the sound though that never really works until people stop doing it
i was going to start really learning how to play chess and go and start doing codeforces but then i remembered i only like to play games with other people in person its why i stopped playing video games theres no more new couch multiplayer games
i was thinking about the anti kink shaming krusaders in the last decade in this tweet but i think this can be generalized to anything like cheating or whatever anything u do to get high
i think a big point of conflict is that a lot of junkies want to do junkie things without the stigma of being a junkie or being known as one ie they dont wanna own up to it and on the flip side of the coin there are puritans in my mind there is nothing wrong with an honest junkie
Chinese dude with long Hair looks just like Kirk Hammet which makes sense hes Filipino not the guy necessarily but KH
They will Rock the boat too hard and H.Biden will replace the incumbent VP at the convention ... primogeniture estavlished ,, It would be Just .. 8 years of projected Fear of a T.Dynasty , they have brought one into Life from their own hand ,, Theyncornered the wrong guy; Purge
Action is Association
I Eat my ground meat gruel in Hiding now that the fakeReelsPeaters have caught on Im do it because I have digestive issues its just easier on my bodynot for Any other reason .. for a while i was having 3 square-gruel meals aday can U say the same ,,
Need 2 go to Manaus
I was walking nd a Bird attacked me ; made several divebomb runs butnonly struck me once , i thought it passed but as I sat down on a bench aways-away, it shat on my head , or if not the same bird it was a collaborator ..
Looking out on2 the Hudson to watch the Dominicans on jetskis Passby
The parts in Barry Lyndon where they are sat drowning In Letters
Four four facking two awright caman Lads
the traditional "Ice Cream Sandwich Bar" is confectionary childsplay ,, certified Creamers choose Chipwich I used to run after the truck inhopes of one , tho sometimes it was a Creamsicle
Luv or Hate someppl cant stop talking about that One Big Truck ,, me i dont pay it any mind
i hear a woodpecker
would this not be expensive compared to the way things work now like the size of req and res bodies would be huge or am i mistaken here https://twitter.com/mattrickard/status/1577321709350268928
At this point i just put on more clothes if it gets colder and take some off if it gets warmer no other considerations
clang, clang, clang went the trolley https://twitter.com/AmericanaAesth/status/1577086980407468034
cleansed my instagram now under 100 followers and following the remove follower functionality is so useful still dont have the urge to use it much
I blew up the nord stream 2 pipeline it was me im coming clean
but cool doesnt matter much thats self evident
if cool matters then i think the coolest place to be is online going to clubs and concerts now is like going to the movies after home digital video became accessible yeah its a good time but you are playing pretend that its still the pinnacle pls note i am not saying no drawbacks
its true that you can you choose what you carry with you in anticipation though that is the extent of individual influence
great hubris in believing in ones ability to will desired influence into cultural feedback loops this is no three card monty where you are the hustler rather culture will hold your arms behind your back with your face to the cold pavement and take what it likes from your pockets
caffeine pacing
tried talking my parents to put one up to have as a hot tent in the winter they have the a perfect spot for it but they werent into it unfortunate
id like to have a yurt would be a good way to dodge taxes or otherwise have a village of yurts in my backyard better than a van or minivan or truck idk i find optimizing utility of space fun but the trick is you cant put a permanent foundation in the ground like these people have https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1575966214626705408
Yeah Im Out Here Sending Level Headed Tweets 👍
do you really believe that they are able to move so quickly on a fixed gear bike without being sweaty, anon?
the mullet grants you license to use thrift stores and coffee shops as hubs for fast travel few know this
In the next 100 years there will be a fad where the hip skip as their main mode of transportation it will be like having a mullet just was
all these tables are for two people, pick whatever one you want
when noodles takes deborah out to dinner there's a panning shot that reveals the dining room booked only for them its stunning i think about it a lot
I think i have a cavity or one coming soon so i am forced to drink hot beverages with my jaw at a 45 deg angle to one side
you are listening to the town crier. you are listening to the man on the pulpit
podcast listening is serf heritage
Whatever people say they are obsessed about I dont believe them
on the bus now
NOT a drainer reference i am actually waiting at the bus stop to go home now
waiting at the bus stop
the point of gambling is to win big baby or go out in a blaze of glory
if u arent putting your entire life savings on every bet why even gamble people who put $5 on sports bets confuse me
i think ive insulated myself pretty well with social earplugs otherwise so i dont run into these types often
people talk a lot of talk about the enn eff teees but i hear no words about the unwashed house fixers n flippers gary vee acolytes ty penningtons i dont put any stock into what most people say these days
Propofol prince
I think if i made a feature length movie that was 95% title sequence it would be funny
one of my fav tiktok mutuals love her
why did they say the chess guy was using anal beads if they said lovesense i would have known right away how he was doing it
everybody wanna be but dont nobody wanna be
my alibi can just be "im p much just on tiktok these days" but ill have to be sneaky about getting the anon bit in there
whats it like being online in a non anon context these days i think this is the question im gonna ask people the next few days but how do i go about it without revealing my semianon status i figure most arevsick of it andor just do the mindless ig reels doomscroll but im curious
I send conor videos on tiktok but idt he watches them
I am going to harass (complement) some people on tiktok
How come i get better wifi outside than in my bed 😭😭
Bouta drop some of the worst tweets you have ever seen
My new slides came in the mail im happy
Am i henry v or am i falstaff
The oats were pitiful today
no need to watch an advertisement to understand the object of the advertiser
Id like to have a motorcycle but i think id crash it
the man in tune before the instrument is invented will never be heard
Ready to call it a day and head for bed
shouldnt have eaten that sandwich probably and have made one from home instead
its the same old song but with a different meaning
what did people see in bourdain as a tv personality? it seemed like his shows were more about saying you watched his shows than watching it it was and still is a marker of coolness idk its hard to tell if people have really eaten off all the plates they are spinning
once you get found out now they expect that from you, you are now a spectacle
not saying this is something to aspire to just saying that this no longer works in the physical world due to rate of spread of info but still is alive in the digital where the latter half comes in is that instead of u in control of the character as a meme now audience has power
but where have we gone next? online trolling is my candidate. saw something saying in digital age people are falling for the same tricks they were wise to predigital you cant piss people off or shock them on any scale without risk of them finding out whats up without seein u 1st
trying to think of how we got here elvis was definitely the beginning of the end, idk where to mark the final endpoint but def sometime in the last 10y point being that due to tech advs you can be anyone and become a meme laughter outweighing the performance and nullifying effect
tangent to this i was thinking long before i posted this about how in any performance and quasi-performance you only get one go if you pull it off well -- after that you become a meme -- you are then made to play a character of the audience's perception (s/o cloutless)
the results of my latest self haircut: middle part on the top, with intentionally crooked baby bangs. sides and back untouched for now. no mullet in the works just seeing where the road takes me
It was all vanity
theyve been in a for a while but in the past year or so there have been a lot of sec bound or currently attending young men who wear short shorts and it looks so goofy its definitely because they have skinny thighs but yeah just an observation
yeah there bound to be rodents doing arbitrage on what you let go of below value but then all the blame is on them and the buyers they find
i dont really get why people insist on getting top dollar for their junk why not just give it away or donate it especially if u dont need the money like that
not on a power trip at all im just carrying out divine justice
i am definitely a tyrant
best to stay on latest and only interact with your circle
home timeline tempts you to reply to bad tweets
kd on a bike; the hardest stroad
a waldorf salad's way too old-school. that's something my dad would eat. it should be a fennel salad with a light vinaigrette
cozied up td it was the doctors orders
u can skip the tea and just put honey in hot water no one ever told me this
there is a difference between "lived in" and living in a preset
can you feel the stream pass through your fingers?
Last day of summer
swim city
jamesdroz566 didnt do a what happened video for the browns blowing it on sunday i wanted to gloat in the comments very disappointed
nearing 2 cup per day territory i have it twice per day but was making essentially quarter cups of coffee but now the breakfast one is up to a full one
i guess if youre getting hundreds to thousands of interactions of tweets the dopamine hits serve as a good counter balance so though it may get old subconsciously you want to do it because you know it plays well
correction: heads. do
some accounts and not niche themed accounts but some end up posting about the same thing pretty frequently i wonder if it gets boring. typically its the e-talking heads do not think i am talking about you, reader
im not a serious writer or poet or anything or have any amition in those arena i just say things because they sound nicely in my head and it pleases me
i fear my style is similar to rupi kaur and am dreading the day where someone says that to me whether as a joke or as a complement i would go home and cry
the sea replaces the sand in the changing of the tides
def my favorite video from the last few years
In need of a neckwarmer
perfect shoes but they are a size too big T_T
turned down a social occasion to do work and i did not do the work, classic
collecting and creating as mutually exclusive crafts but you collect at what cost to yourself
crafting a wardrobe in the way i do it if i did it more frequently it would resemble my media discovery techs which makes me think maybe dressing isnt self expression but rather i dont have the right words right now but something more along the lines of collecting
how much bacon should i make this morning
still waiting on my new cheap slides to come in the mail they have moderate swag points nothing compared to a pair of rubber clogs my friend inherited if i could take one item from anyone i knew it would be those they are ridiculous and you cant find them anywhere its from costco
bought a month of criterion any choice picks (that arent released distributed physically by them)
the childhood of ratibor (1976)
i found the cartoon i've been looking for all year wowowowowowow yeahahahahaha
and they must recognize YOU
the optimal online experience is akin to walking in a crowd; it's unnatural for everyone in every instance to know who you are, as is the opposite, to be wholly anonymous. you must recognize a face or two in the throng from time to time but no more and no less it keeps you honest
show a man a piece of media and he will be satisfied for a day show a man how to find the watering holes and he will grow weary and eventually disavow water
For example something has happened in my life at age fifty. I have become hedonistic. I lost twenty-five pounds, I joined a sauna, and in my garage you will find a new convertible. Which I drive around Miami. With the top down.
They'd traded a smoke for a food stamp dollar
hacker news is one of the best forums to mess with people on esp if u are in tech because its filled with the most insufferable people you know
my eating out experiment is over back to special occasions just not worth it
maybe more maybe less depending on what the climate change/protecting undeveloped land balance is sorry im a pessimist 😊😊😊
what percentage of that patagonia $100m is being siphoned off at every level im saying 85%
maybe its just classical narxism
people conflate narcissism with being self centered on social media the narcissist doesnt care about likes or being seen
action is always pure and the real tell
if u use strong and meaningful words and u pass as intimate and genuine but dont mean it really not out of malice but indifference or ritual good things will still happen thats the real life deal with the devil mr town said you do the right dance and you get rewarded its so true
The sound of the sink is going really well with the song im listening to rn
can u hold my vizzy for a sec need to get my stizzy out from my bag
im ur #1 mutual
what did the queens mii for megan markle look like https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1569724672257703936
he got that pawg in him (joshua henderson)
ahhhh clogcore i blew it damn
kedpilled (slipperscore)
the shein new deal
"A ladies man thats all about his money. 😑😒🥱"
you could say its even worse that i place such importance on this or that i notice it at all which i think is fair and i sort have talked about that on here before
also a personal aversion to being part of a milieu i dont like the idea of wearing a specific set of pieces reading a specific set of books watching a specific set of movies and in this case listening to a specific set of albums it just all seems so hollow to me
music on youtube is good because it has more breadth than paid streaming and midsize label and vinyl ripper and bandcamp uploaders are the eclub scene not because of what it curates for you. and then the best part is you can rip all of it yourself to keep it if u want for free
i have thoughts on the youtube algorithm music™️ crowd and i wasnt able to articulate them until now its like a medieval european peasant who has eaten nothing but porridge for 50 years getting invited to a noble's banquet https://twitter.com/davidgross_man/status/1568064668933013504
border agents but they do the tiktok hey what are you listening to thing instead of looking at your passport
"just a loose cannon trying to see some boobies"
the flip side of this is that i have no texts no numbers to hide behind
and I could not smell the roses for all I tried
I am one million feet tall
You might think that when U speak it , U will it but i hate 2 break it to U that only works for me and this other guy i know ,, itwill b no use sadly ..
I tipped My Uber Driver 10 Million
Not enough Stars n Stripes at my towns parade
Let me be the poorest Man on Earth ; Let me give All and receive None ; Let me spare no Expense ,, hoard no Dime
Procured an Upgrade me n my Baby r going on one last ride ,, one last ride , she’s maxed out now , 32GB RAM ,
The Bar is on the floor
I’m reading 12 Books Rn a thirteenth soon
Can’t Crack the post work Stupor I close my eyes and it’s 8 and I have done nothing but Fiddle
I Used 2 knock back 40 pizza rolls just 2 feel smith in middle school microwaved I couldn’t wait 4 the oven
Early Work Dismissla
You wouldnt Thinkit but the riverbend vista from Harrisburg Pennsylvania soil is some sight on a good day
If I will it enough I think I can wake Up and know a whole new language
I didnt know The Poem from the Beach Bum , there is no mention of it you just need to know , the Poem is a Brautigan ,, i didnt know until i saw it on the page
keep in mind everything i say is of observation and intuition im not well read in the slightest. excuse me while i hide behind this rampart
what i will add is that there are yet fruits of redemption and of sacrifice growing on the trees along the way so even though you may go in that direction it does not mean that all will fall and be left to rot
i think the yogic road is the easier road though it is a fine road to take but the other path has become largely untenable because of velocity of technology enabling transformation into spectacle. i think this has also been well acknowledged for some time so not sayin nything new
this team will never be good ever again
Just End The Sufferring
(salted) cod complex
judge judy is so good i miss jerry springer
its curtains for you elizabeth my dear
need 4 speed
i would have a little more respect for podcasters if they used the skinny handheld bob barker microphones
rip iohan gueorgiev so sad he never got to finish his journey because of start of covid he was so close
my plan going forward from that point is to thrift books if i buy full price or borrow i feel responsible for the wellbeing of the book i just want to be able to take them with me wherever i go n then let go when done. ebook is out of the question i dont mind but it isnt the same
i finished all my tv series this summer so that burden is lifted forever will be done with all my non technical books in the next 6 months. i am more or less abandoning my movie list and i already buried my collection of unplayed video games. media zero
yes my liege
a little taste of endless scroll but not too much
when im bored i have been switching from latest to home for 5 sec then i switch back
instead the beachgoers are oblivious and you ideally want to be a beachgoer here
i like to think of being grounded as a sea shore and a lot of people thinking they are on dry land when they are standing chest deep on the sandbar but what i thought originally was that to notice this meant you were on the beach but i think i'm in deeper waters only tippietoeing
We need swag castes
16 deg and im shivering its so over the thermals are a guarantee this winter
275pg today leaving the last morsels of my book for tmrw morning since i cant go to the library to get a new one
i left to go get groceries but then i realized i was actually pretty well stocked so now im turning it into a walk
euphoria the tv series has had a big influence on the way a lot of young ppl speak in the same way kim k did with vocal fry i binged it this summer and now i hear it everywhere
twitter tech bros are so silly
ai art may replace a lot of illustrator jobs that still exist or change how they work but if youre my friend ill still buy your art
this guy who towed my truck told me he had a sizeable tiktok but he never followed me back and i have yet to see one of his videos come up so i think he blocked me
my dad kinda looks like nathan fielder its mostly the hair and the gait though he has more of a gut
im at 1k followers on tiktok now i can go live tho a good chunk of my followers are bots unfortunately but i have a lot of mutuals
the set of bigg ones has passed so now it's time to do a little dozing in the saddle while the lull keeps on
rocking chair has been a nice addition but i knew that beforehand this wasnt a surprise
the "a high tide raises all boats" saying is not sound at all the bigger boats need the highest tide otherwise their hulls would get stuck in the seabed while a dinghy will be ok in like 6 inches of water
what about horizontal pole dancing have they tried that
made a great lunch today no recipe but thats almost always the case i like freestyling i dont even measure
he got that dawg in him 🗣 (the addict gene)
i was going to read white noise but i saw some teaser pictures from the movie accidentally now i have struck it from my list because my imagination will not be pure while reading
obsessively counting down days in which i can delete all my temporarily needed apps on my phone
irl bagholding
today i was a sucker
i was looking for some soil because i didnt want to buy a big bag for 1 plant but what i didnt realize is that those who would be giving some out would be in the same boat so they want to give it all away to some sucker
the proportion of people who care to those who don't is a universal contstant across professions increasing or decreasing pay only adjusts the size of the total pool
I bought some beautiful raspberries
edge computing https://twitter.com/AlecMacGillis/status/1553014103932911624
sneaker bot but instead it scrapes the daily local obituaries for old people so you can make an offer for their old furniture
some day a real rain will come
omg it is my friendlys wowwwwww
i thought this was my friendly's for a second but it isnt
you can see the fabled Dippin' Chicken in this video
john henry? johnny appleseed? davy crockett?
i hope they are still teaching children about paul bunyan
i actually keep logs of my food once i finish migrating everything to a spreadsheet i can provide the metrics
i have eaten oatmeal 9/10 days in the last year
you need to be gruelmaxxing
an appointment is now two hours late i have been robbed of the opportunity to read in peace i have instead filled the time with tiktok and sporadic movie watching while i continue to wait
and the rain sets in
it's difficult to get a straight answer from this type of person because they are part of a superset of person that just repeats and repeats talking points this is not for sake of argument i just want to understand where they are coming from
i want to send some sounds but i dont really want to redownload app
i don't really understand what the broader goal is. the more concrete goal being making biking safer, sure.
you see a lot of the urbanist types whine about sprawl, but do bikelanes not propogate the same problem, but on a smaller scale? they facilitate thru traffic as cars do. the trivial solution to this problem is expanding sidewalks, you keep people put within their localities
the brooklyn-montreal-berlin ketaverse
going to make a couple of these i think
ferrara and dafoe's "tommaso" is excellent. high praise, highly recommended
bacon 🥹🥹🥹🫶
when your froyo aesthetic is..awesomesauce
froyo aesthetic
now this....is epic
thinking about the nymph of ramapo lake
i am probably going through your likes as you read this, i am several months deep
australia really had bereal before bereal i wonder if that inspired the app haha
renewed interest in thruhike gear list videos lately
boogeymen can be used for good
repurpose them *for drinking
this is true of any glass jar but these just have the perfect form factor if u want to look mine is "curious george welchs glass #6"
up until about maybe 15 years ago give or take idk i was young anyway for welchs jelly they'd sell them in patterned glasses, and you could clean em up after using them and repurpose them into glasses. the one i have left (had more, but broke them over time) is a curious george
why is everyone beginning a journey all of a sudden this phrase seems to be everywhere especially on youtube comments i think it is some autogenerated stuff
prodigal smartass
what will become of all those roadside office buildings...
thought i was taking the exit but i just ended up deeper underground
i got out alpha'd
the guy sitting back to back with me on the train is playing hair metal out loud on his phone and moaning i am very uncomfortable so i am moving seats
the purest work of art along these lines being the mirror - wholly unique personal interpretations. where is the intersection? explanatory works leave little to no room for interpretation. interpretation then breeds imagination but how much so and in what way is dependent on form
i've seen somewhere that someone said that gallo said it's best to take a workman's approach to filmmaking - but i think this can be generalized to all art, in that in making art for the masses, it follows that it must leave room for personal interpretation - how much? enough
when it comes to the internet video medium i think high effort long form content is a good indicator of the absence of general talent at it's best (at it's worst we have the video podcast, though talented people can podcast it's just below or skew to their ability)
cro magcon
i have been back into the groove of reading after being burnt out for a month or so
commentary on the now stale corner store romp aristocrat is used generously here
aristocrats romanticise the life blood of the cities, while their pastoral-favoring aristoi counterparts long for the countryside -- in every case you can discard of their words the instant they pass through your eyes or ears, as they live where they please, not where they must
in what could have been a meditative purging of thoughts online posting in all forms instead interrupts it with engagement from others effectively ruining the good that could come from it this is why the anon lowbie is the highest order entity online
its ergonomic
the best thing to come out of the white claw era is the thin 12oz can the regular width is nice for a tallboy but less so on a shorter can o beer
I'm graceful on my feet
the rock obama
the cross region motorcycle trip until the money runs out is oh so tempting
Perfect weather rn
i am now calculating things
my calculator came in the mail
in my home there will be no sofa or tv or media cabinet only a single round bistro table in the middle of the living room with two chairs
trivial observation but interesting to me
i am young guy so my perspective is very time constrained but something i noticed: college library exp -> open office, no assigned seats that is new hotness; all white apt rentals -> "new farmhouse" white and browns with black trim house style; consumers age market reacts with em
The back in time hitler baby question is an obedience test ... become ungovernable ... go to precolumbian post-urflood posticeage niagara falls and commit to a life of solitude and silence instead ... relive last week and go see your grandpa over a mcdonald mcafe small coffee ...
I think my style is dangerously close to the pictures of overly well dressed toddlers that women like to post based on the feedback i get and some self awareness
if you take the lesson from F IS FOR FAKE (1973), now we're shredding the gnar not everyone wants to be a troll though, and the right path to take here is well understood so i'll leave it at that
when you have specialized knowledge and a commentator less familiar with that domain says something, it becomes a bit silly and this begets "experts say", but applied universally you get an inverse dynamic to the previous, and you cannot verify the info yourself - back to sq one
Somebody had the daniel larson ringtone where im at i did a double take
daylight savings is ending forever next year in the us?? did anyone know about this??
Faneto has roman triumph vibes
I try bringing up Jenna Rose to people but nobody knows who she is its so disappointing
On my Rebecca Black Today
the "strain" being mostly a set of promises to sway the masses away from promises of the hegemon, whether it comes to fruition or not is irrelevant idk if this is well known or trivial or considered incorrect in literate circles i am an armchair amateur in this domain
Is there anyone who has written on 20th c. communism being classified as a strain of fascism (current def being the nationalist strain) with the universal "fascism" being a reaction against the influence of a hegemon to maintain relative local power; not theory literate j curious
Bad Bunny
disappointed but not surprised that i am not the first to come up with this
fursona non grata
ouais c'est vraiment drôle
http://publicdomainmovie.net theres also a cool 24/7/365 twitch stream that does this stuff fun fact the driller killer is public domain very cool of ferrara to do that very cool
i am to secondhand junk as scrooge mcduck is to his pool of gold; i am a steward of the island of misfit toys
serenading my dog with gregorian chants
just as i started doing relatively engaging stuff at work im getting cartoon stage hooked off into some nonsense
why do we entertain those who care so deeply about grand causes when they do nothing for anyone but themselves its just politesse i guess
summer has yet to begin but its already over
the real measure of a man is how clean his grill is
the girl from aqua the music group looks a lot like sean young in blade runner
on the prowl for some truly pocket sized books
thats what all of that hubbub boils down to
bikecels were too weak to swallow the walkpill
and what of the man on the stoop he presides over multitudes labor-free, at least for the day and what of the tree in the wind the imprints of its leaves, restless, slow-dancing across his forehead
going to steal a bunn coffee maker its the only way
i chickened out and did not wear my new beautiful moccasins out today
How its made is like baby einstein baby mozart
I like the song Radios in Motion but only the first seven seconds the rest is so so so
first Gen CRV is my favorite car to see on the road big fan
Ill be your Mirror
Hotdog off the grill n Ripe fruit for lunch It’s summertime
Was watching Cluny Brown last nite and chanced upon a curious detail ; in the Manor home they had books on display on a table spine up ,, one of the optimal ways to keep them but it serves another function , now the dust collects on the cover and not the pages ,
I want 2 watch the Euros I want to watch the Olympics I want to watch copa America but When I sit down all I can think about are My Tools ,
The Moon last night
What if OnlineMeetingWorkers full time workweek counted as 24 instead of 40 But the pay remains the same to sweeten the deal they Wouldn’t say no to that one ,, then I would have 2 days to work in peace …
My Daydreams hv been so vivid and intense lately
I like listening 2 woodstock recordings mainly to listen to the voice of the guy announcing the acts
None of those facebook post screenshots Ever have the like or comment count Pictured its always cropped
Its all ab the he says she says bs ..
It lives
I think My kindle may hv just died Forever thing lasted like 12 13 years 💚
Say what U wnna say ab those neigborhood lending linrary" edifices but sometimes somebody leaves something Good behind ,, for now i am a Taker but one day i will be a Giver
i have been working on my jumpshot and i have actually gotten better
its weird how there's this emphasis on being the "true you" but in the past few decades of things being this way in the west all that means is aligning with some label is true autonomy that overwhelming that there has to be a bait n switch thing going on
why are -xploitation movies presented negatively as if the amount of money spent on a movie correlates to how "good" a movie is the intention of producers is irrelevant
its funny hearing people play music they hear on tiktok but i guess its kinda the same as when you hear a song from a movie and you like it
silly movies in general are a good filter for the too-fancy-shmancy
nacho libre somehow snuck its way into my favorite movies what a gem
every post is everyone's personal replaying of the realization of nudity of adam and eve it is humiliation it is the act of verbalizing inner thoughts without physically speaking (or signing) in general not just tweets
i watched hawks and sparrows recently and pasolini has a guy sing the names at the beginning credits which is something i do all the time it was a validating moment
theres a pocket of west mass, east upstate new york, and the southern bits of vermont and new hampshire where the vines grow up and around the trees to form this sort of chocolate covered pretzel stick vibe its unparalleled on the east coast in natural beauty its mystical almost
this one is from a few months ago very nice chair to sit in
im going to post interesting chairs going forward including toilets and unlikely chairs which would make me a, if not the, chairman of twitter
too many pictures too many sounds
too many words
alls i'm saying is this is where the energy is right now
every popular medium has its day in the sun, though only in the past few iterations has it become accessibly reproducible like it or not right now we're in the vine-tiktok epoch but that doesnt mean for example no good feature film can ever come out again or opera or epic poem
A dream of the open road
Watching old videos of Dunkin' Donuts interiors and weeping
Bathing suit and and barebacking a sweater, yes, I need to do laundry
if you sum up the encoding of each letter of those two words you get 166 and if you add 2 (two words) then 42 goes into 166 4 times
coming up on 1 yr account anniversary
everybodys out there to make a quick buck on you gotta be sharp imperative to find some good honest people. e.g. i have a wonderful dentist who has saved my family thousands as much as i'd like it to be true you can't just@cultivate local power and threaten people thats fantasy
9/10 of people who flip fixer uppers are so sloppy with everything. the worst part is this rate carries over to contractors and plumbers and repairmen etc. doctors too even thankfully i have a handful of handymen in my family though theyve only got another 10 years max b4 retire
what is coffee creamer i dont understand
he just ran he ran until the sun came up and he couldnt run any further and when the sun went down, he ran again for five days he ran like this until every sign of man had disappeared
he was kinda raggedy and - wild
que lejos estoy del suelo donde he nacido
software should have as few features as possible because most people don't do any exploring whatsoever this includes software for people writing software bytedance is probably the best at this that i can come up with off the top of my head
I forgot how good baklava is
the script i wrote didnt work as intended and i also forgot to download all music with metadata or at least put the track number as the first character now after joining them i have a bunch of incomplete albums sequenced alphabetically its scuffed but kind of charming
this is a trick question both are selfish
"i'm sorry that happened to you" "i'm sorry that happened to you, the same thing happened to me once" which is selfish and which is selfless? i think we have been hoodwinked
letting go of these things is hard i like to finish what i start
my movie list grows by day but i've accepted that it is now insurmountable and only serves as a bowl of folded papers for me to choose a title at random
resist the list
that's a bit harsh innit, i could say reading on the john as well but then what is the new sears catalog? amazon is a boring answer and probably the one but the dynamic of browsing amazon is different from reading the sears catalog its just not the same
twitter being the new newspaper i can see that but the only thing a newspaper is good for is starting a fire
facebook is also way more of an online town square than twitter, it has ties to locality and behaves more like what i think a town square is while twit is untethered from anything real yes its true that all news is broken on tw but is that really what your idea of a town sq is?
i think i need to include facebook for fb marketplace in this unfortunately its just where the people are
keep your head up. the cia gives their toughest battles to their strongest soldiers
i bought some laurentian chiefs im just in my settler era rn
outside of banking and craigslist+ebay everything else online is a nicety but surplus
anyone know any songs that have keyboard/mallet instruments like at the beginning of this https://youtu.be/OxMm2whn_8Q penetration by stooges is also a good example its like a garnish its great between this type thing n slide guitar n jungley drums are my favorite types of sounds
ya gotta take it on the chin with a smile
Pretty terrible start to the day but I'm in a great mood
this is the only way i can explain the scooter phenomenon i.e. it makes no sense outside of san francisco
if we assign real values to each city and municipality and have frisco as our constant it is plain to see that you can scale up or down relative to local needs with a multiplier or divisor of some real number this is vc logic but only natural numbers exist in the material world
the thing about silicon valley is that everything is about scalability - yet models do not reflect real life constraints its about getting the thing put together in sfo so you can say its scalable so you can secure vc money so you can get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
after some letterboxd trawling (was on an add-to-watchlist binge) you'll see the same couple dozen accounts leaving reviews there's a very steep dropoff from the masses to these people, there's nothing in between am i suprised? no, but it's a bit jarring
"coexist" bumper sticker but as knuckle tattoos
My studies only turned me into a luddite
A Quarterly for the Gentleman's Gentleman
natural ---------------> creation | ^ label, symbol, sign | | handiwork v | domestic ------------> service
42: creation and service
déjà vu en ce moment
and the briide dressed in whiite she was so haaaaahhhhppy she was happy and she stooood by the windoww she looked so prihhhhtty she looked so pretty
Shoenice follows me on tiktok thats my bestie
my time of birth was always dubious
One cafecito, please.
serious in the face of the most sarcastic and ironic people and vice versa is it beneficial? idk, but it sure torments them
power's out, reading the local newspaper
was looking at clothes on ebay and there's this guy in ukraine selling his whole wardrobe the motives are unclear so i bought books instead
i've impusively discarded all but three books - i will be filling the gap by creating a few archive webpages for a handful of tiktok creators's videos i think the idea of content being washed away in tomorrow's high tide is romantic, but i'll make an exception for this
a good filmmaker shows the audience instead of telling them a great filmmaker shows only what is needed and leaves the rest up to imagination my opinion
the town square has been abstracted away and with it the soapbox beware!
clearing out my bookmarks dont mind me
It's thrilling to look out the window everything in bloom
A lot of people harp on car-cities in NA but i think the recent development of luxury apts in abandoned shipping districts of coastal cities is so much worse
Idk what's with the whole don't buy a house or a property the market's gonna collapse soon talk is Seems like a misdirection If the wheels do fall off I'd rather be house poor than have a destroyed portfolio and nowhere to live
for the record no water in the city is pure, but up until a point it's still potable if you catch my drift
because then it becomes tainted by whatever power games the operators of the structures are playing
true history is transmitted from person to person, via a friend or a family member or an aquaintance or a stranger and the subject of that transmission is limited to mundane events of the past and present relating to strictly people, no structures or interaction with structures
so basically why consipiracy theories "don't matter" is because it's a history, and the the only history that means anything is the "people's history" what's currently presented as the history of people is a relation between ordinary people and a state
how do i chain quote tweets this is a connection between two of my past tweets
i think the highest order approach to this is to recognize it doesn't matter what the "objective" truth of the situation is, and to be respectful of those who died,were tortured, suffered as a result of, etc.
decent amount of likes i get are from bots scraping tweets lol
if we say journalists are psychological police and they will be eventually replaced by the computers, then will you have a forever wandering group of e-militants à la the dudes in the near east? and for what cause will they be used?
May no woman now believe a man when he makes a promise, May no woman hope the words of her man are true.
the hair is GONE
last hour with the locks
i've retired the wool ; it's time to bring in the linen
so i reread the poem im going to base my short on and i was worried that the song i intend to put to it would contradict my intentions but i misremembered a detail from the poem and it actually works really well
something something woman decorate and be decorated something something the home and symbolizing the home while outside the home something something incomplete thought but i'm going to leave it undeveloped for now
so i finally figured out the zipcar type situation here i've been having a blast
unlike what many say i believe desiring "experiences" is worse than desiring material goods everything is projection. the latter is childish ( new toys ! ) but at least it's pure
it's kinda krazy seeing people i know learn of knxwledge through his youtube videos and refer to him as "kn X" (his channel name) idk
traincel? no, ferrychad
now will i ever bring them to life probably not latest one i had today i think is most feasible it's just a short
slowly amassing some rough ideas for a few films
one of the consequences of the easing of feeling towards on screen sex scenes is the sacrifice of the viewer's imagination
saging my room (wafting around a lit cigarette) to cleanse it of negative energy (muting the rank man smell)
i tend to overcommit myself but i don't like surrendering my sword to the other general, i'd much prefer to die in the field yes i surrendered a sword today nothing even close to important though im just dramatic
But yesterday's newspaper Forecast no rain for today
leaving my winter boots out until it's safely warm to ward off jack frost
agony in the agora - antigonus has slain antiochus ! adieu my friend, haydée
those that ridicule the "wef wef you will own nothing!!" partisans (and they are not excused from ridicule ftr) and reason that it wouldn't be so bad - even preferable - do so because what they do own is toys and trinkets, so they correctly identify what they own is superfluous
its an anthology of the many real americas while regionalism was on its deathbed, while also preempting millenial food tourism and online regional dish obsession it's a landmark work
definitely the best example of good telejournalism too
going to write an essay on why diners drive ins and dives is the best program to ever grace the small screen this is not an ironic post i believe this with all my heart i don't think anyone has ever done it better
My god complex is unlike no other
Going to take a sabbatical in the keys
I think i may be due for some new socks
love at first sight with a lady from bob barker era price is right on the plutotv price is right channel last year i still think about her
Hello walls How'd things go for you today?
daily thought, good night
is digital nomadism true nomadism? i say no, because it is not cyclical nomadism is cycling between a set of resource flows when they are optimal you could define a "resource" for digital nomads, experiences (?), but there is no guarantee that there will be a cycle undecidable
does the red blood cell try to be a neuron? does the stem cell have a say in it's fate?
his eyes were sewn to the navel
so long as the sun rises tomorrow there'll be silver linings to find in the clouds
certain words are strictly marketing and advertising words see: "best", "legendary", etc you see these a lot in clickbaity headlines and that fuels its everyday use outside of that context why obsess over the best? as if BEST exists. there is no perfect circle. preferred, sure
we need to move on from the current chalamet-driver-davidson white boy meta and back to lundgren
You collect and collect until you forget why you started collecting in the first place
I bookmark tweets to never look at them again too much
Most don't really respect a sick man I think that's natural instinct
ok and the third act of a movie i havent finished im folding
Want to kick back but I've got some business to handle so i'm compromising with a few beers
now im just talking out of my ass but this was fun to think about
this only concerns written history, kings have history written to justify the rule of future and foreign regimes oral and unspoken history is the history of people and i think is less corrupted
imo debating or disputing history on grounds of truth is pointless because thats not what it's about; history is about the most convincing story. sometimes it is the truth. sometimes it is a bald faced lie that is, unless you're playing power games, in which case by all means do
i think the sun will rise tomorrow
do i pick up the harmonica or do i start playing bass again i could always do both
yes i've looked death in the eyes we're here together at the saloon dusk's just passed and we're going to party until dawn
you need to burn yourself to truly respect the fire
experience is what guides us in the material and spiritual life, but in the "psychic realm" - love that term - exposure to archetypes and origins plays a similar role i believe. its a way of orienting yourself in our contemporary river rapid of information and entertainment
i've gotten over the reality of them never touching them - my parents immediately brought that up as i suggested the possibility, but i think it's important, not because reading will transform you or whatever, but rather because art imitates life ; (human) life imitates art
when a purchased a couple antique sets of foundational texts last year, i did so not only for myself, but for my younger siblings, in hope that they would not do as I did, ignoring the advice of my middle school teacher, and waiting until their twenties to begin again
I could really use a coffee
would you consider adam curtis a video essayist
without all the fancy words repeating (someone else's!) words doesn't have the same effect as doing something with your hands or doing a type of math problem 1000 times
the teaching model of encouraged repetition of ideas is faulty in that it assumes parity with the benefits of repetition of action and repetition of patterns
dreaming of argentinean rancheros and the horsemen of the central asian steppes
see if cumtown or snl weren't mediocre they would have done this for their gay mafioso bits
The best scene in Clekrs is when they Play streethockey on the roof
Do U think Victoria Justice would hv retweeted LindyMan on her PearPhone
I Sold Everything
halting-sterility ,, yes but a caesura, a respite, yes
Chicken Cutlets ,, my salve
I want 2 learn all the Langusges of the world just 2 talk to myself
Somehowsomeway even in a hotroom crisp-neat bedsheets manage to be Cold :: one of the wonders of our World
Phil Deframco Ozempix
I dont like the Words << slop >> or << yap >> but its less ab the Words but more ab the type of Person who might reach 4 thm
the sopranos but the tracksuits they wear are juicy couture
i've almost let the equinox slip by without a profile picture change
being ill has really been hampering my ability to read this week
Have been seeing a lot of doppelgangers of mine lately kinda spooked
winter's in labor and soon will give birth to the spring
took a break from some work do some pacing and thinking
delusions of grandeur hitting rn
to label something is akin to eating the apple in eden - that thing is expelled from nature and is now within the domain of man any logical interpretation IS the apple now that doesnt mean the apple isnt tasty or useful, of course communication is not the apple but language is
It's all so overwhelming, need to make my world smaller
Today smells like summer
even though i'm on track to go into tech for work i think about getting out early early and doing something else where i can get a pension the italian american urge to work for the city
Maybe i will watch pi later its been a while
my fish of 20ish years died a couple weeks ago it never had a name
Once you've given something, anything, a name, it becomes detached
its fun to play cowboy but someone needs to build up the town when the railroad comes through
the book is always better than the movie because for anything but short stories and poems, you're cutting material, so it's less than whole also literature utilizes the imagination better than film but that is by nature
God is telling me to watch JOKER (2019) tonight
let's see paul allen's map
i have been able to more or less keep my head out of the ice water the past couple weeks, but boy am i a sucker for a good map
give a man a fish... teach a man to fish... teach a man to catch n release...
catch n release
beautiful morning radio sesh (background noise to work) ruined by a bad interview eating and reading now to recharge
there were victories today
I am one thousand years old I have seen the chaos become cosmos
I was going to post an article on my story (where i never post) and then i saw it's made the rounds on the youtube circuit so out with that idea I can't give off the impression that i watch video essays, the horror
give me someone who rejects art outright over someone who worships it art is good and i like it and i like people who like art but i love people who just don't care (because they are right!!) balance
out here spreading UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Brick on the gas
I watched a documentary recently about some prisoners in singapore and one of the guys was talking about his routine in the cell and how a solid portion of time is spent pacing in a triangle inside his cell he's just like me
had a gentle cruise into the blues cycle today
Feeling very present
its actually better this way (no sound) because then you can keep the earworms out of your brain
i dont even need to look at tiktok with sound or watching full of most videos i have reached total synchronicity
jorge ben and dave bixby (one of the regulars) joined me for a puzzle earlier this morning
Fresh sheets are one of my favorite things
damn shawty u live like this?
I dont think I can put more than a couple down anymore
if only i could go in some of these old buildings when they were built if only
a lot of things are just projection
what is the thought process behind consciously repeating what other people say, online and in person? is it just for the likes and the laughs? i mimic the way people speak (unconsciously, while speaking to them) but i would never dream of repeating someone who are these people?
Very tempted to take up motorcycling, romantic idea of a cowboy
apparently in mexico in groceries the onions are put out without their husks, and they are sparkling clean insider information
could never really get into the rhythm of "please", always been more of a "thank you" guy
The smell of an extinguished candle is best described as "birthday"
to innovate one must challenge and deface the giants of the past, it is only then can you climb upon their shoulders and reach heights unreached this is the rite of passage to venerate them is to forever live in the shadow of that totem pole for some things that's ok too
the pocket sized book is unappreciated
on the obverse, groceries on the reverse, a recipe
should you fell me just above the roots look upon my rings and admire!
oozing, glistening
we are not single, we are one
my current outlook on everything is adapted from a meditation technique, i had used it to help focus during meditation but it only became a general approach when i started noticing it elsewhere
Was very close to splashing some whiskey into my afternoon coffee
two recent experiments: walking around + transit with foam earplugs in leaving the window open in the early early morning both were a success
Appalachian Guerilla: The Man in the RealTree Pajamas
Disappointing, I know, I didn't see people leaping from building to building. No leather dusters. But ultimately these were people who were so in tune with the moment that they could manipulate it at will Were these people just high? Maybe
The second was a man lying spread eagle in the park grass, in the half-shade that a tree's branches will sometimes create. He was one with the ground, and his energy was palpable within 20 yards
The first was a man in a red nissan coupe, smoking a black and mild, who pulled up on me as I was walking in the direction he was coming from. He told me "peace, man" unprompted then drove off
There are two standout figures from memory:
There are people who've broken free from the Matrix, I've seen them
the recent 'poasts' are because I havent been journaling as of late, once I get back on that this account will be back to regularly scheduled programming. plus more sounds
afternoon flew by but surprisingly i was quite productive
We're almost halfway through winter
what i am alluding to here is, if you accept NETWORK (1976)'s now overly-posted monologue of companies being the successor to states as true, that we must shift our perception a bit. don't know where i'm going with this one
this is not to say that there is no value in merit, there certainly is, but maybe the boomer culture of the "company man" that is so frequently mocked was a better model. machiavelli would think so!
meritocracy is to be a mercenary ; to be a mercenary is to forego the public good for your own benefit this is part of the reason why we are where we are, a number of people have sold out the rest tech is the ultimate mercenary space currently, as frequent job hopping is normal
maybe a controversial point in the context of today, but i really do like and enjoy hospitals. for the same reason that those who like the trains because they run on time it can be like a well oiled machine in there. its one of the last bastions of foot traffic oriented business
I had something insightful to tweet but I forgot
"Interesting" was the wrong choice of word here, the world is more interesting than most people let on. I correct this now because this is something that I've been meditating a lot on in the last year, valuing growth and familiarity and depth over chasing what's "special". Anyway
The contents of aforementioned soup were: butternut squash, rutabaga, carrot, all stewed in homemade chicken broth
That was just a "expect more sounds" tweet
I take back what I said about becoming a photo account - I don't get out to interesting places enough nor do I really have a driving interest to do so - I will post more sounds instead. I like this feature
Theres an xkcd for everything theres a simpsons episode for everything theres a thing for everything theres a
Preacher man said he could separate the conscience from the nonsense
The Man in the Marshes. The Student in the Swamps. The Brute in the Bogs.
Maybe I will get my book today
I've been trying to take out a couple books this week (I use reading to try to displace my internet habit) and the electric shelf mechanism is broken so I haven't been able to get one of them yet. Other one I got on a lucky day when the broken row was shut. Bring back the gears !
Johnny Ace, three eggs over medium, and a half strength coffee
Which one of you retweets that account that posts a chain of tiktoks I think the one I'm looking for may have been deleted but it's worth asking about anyway. There's a vine I wish I had that I still think about from time to time
People would really sell their souls for a few thousand likes crazy
If there was ever an American Caesar figure it was Michael Jackson
I like to think Icarus was smiling during his fall back down to Earth
Been very good at hitting 240 chars perfectly lately or whatever the limit is (280?)
The trouble with conspiracy theories is that (1) most can be boiled down to the same couple things and (2) discussion always devolves into trivia. And not the useful Edison screener test kind. The popular culture Jeopardy variey. Fun but ultimately useless (t. intelligence asset)
Very obsessed with cycles and generation/degeneration and feedback loops if you could not tell
The question of "spirit animal" is a false equivalence, on an individual level it is more accurate to compare oneself to a plant. Or a fungus I aspire to be a tree
The issue with labels and identity is that once you internally affirm that you identify as a label, you are no longer being yourself, you are trying to be that label. There are positive examples of this but in most cases youre better off just being yourself and not overthinkin it
People can't change, they can only grow or wilt. An oak tree cannot transform into a maple tree
i think it has to do with people succumbing to advertised tribalism instead of remembering whose team theyre on
when two different groups offer the same core reasoning for an argument with different contexts does that validate or invalidate both? why does this seem to happen so often? are these just attempts at showing hypocrisy? maybe it's just me but i see it a lot and its a 2 way street
You can switch teams but at the end of the day you're still the same player
Grocer screwed me for a couple bucks we have beef now
e-boob tube
Just another junkie
Wish i could see what the original moulding looked like in this room. Painted over
Having now walked many marathons in the shoes of long hair havers I can now firmly say I won't tolerate any whining on upkeep. It's easy
I was curious where they'd go after running out of letters in the greek alphabet, and it seems the route is now "subvariants"
Nooooo you can't go work in construction in your hometown you need to go to school you're so smart!!!
From Elvis in Memphis
what are we going to do with all these video essayists and podcasters
tangent: how do british people pronounce advertised
anything advertised is generally surplus to your needs
In for 2022: Going by the first initial of your name and your middle name like J. Ellis Humdinger
Benjamin Button cult of youth
Into the desert
Ive got the bug. I AM the bug
one more thing: if we accept that applied advances in tech have increasingly isolated people socially then we can conclude that each succ wave will be of a greater magnitude, given tech continues to advance hence 1:33 lgb (millenials?) vs 1:6 lgbt+ (gen z) ok that will be all
to clarify it is not social exclusion because of said quality, but a self-justification of social exclusion. a rationalization things are not quite right - it must be because of x it is a tool to make friends just an observation
this whole gender thing is fascinating because it's cyclical: social outcasts -> status strivers -> acceptance linked with sexuality before it we have a spiral the remainder at the final stage adopt a new cause thus the root question at hand is: how to fold in social outcasts?
Beer me
what is it that made movie cowboys walk like that? the spurs on their boots?
Corolla crossover
never understood the whole wikipedia rabbithole thing. youtube for sure but you havent been able to do that on there in years
either u are gsd or not no in between
summer project will be archiving, typesetting (those that need to be), printing out, and storing in a box a few dozen blogposts, old papers, and unrolled series of tweets. to be stored in a crawl space or attic and maybe never viewed again by myself. pops keeps docs from the 80's
back pillow evangelist
Moon looks p cool rn
new years resolutions going into action tomorrow...week 1 no progress
I was promised chocolate milk in the water fountains
and yes i know its about money and eyeballs but yeah
i think this whole focus on tv over film thing is a mistake its just much harder to put something of real quality out in dozens of hours versus a couple. leads to many polished turds. silver lining is that it is harder to justify procrastinating real life things for entertainment
an aside to the audience is not speaking
there are those who talk and those who speak; ignore the latter (does this edict include this tweet?)
there is little sense in talking sense
cowboy breakfast today, coffee and a big stack of bacon. nothing else
a few drinks and steely dan good vibes
cutting it very close
I detest hand santizers but there are a couple stores that have really nice smelling ones at their entrance
we're about a week out from the solstice. I like to stay ahead of the seasons
Idk how much Chinese devs use and contribute to GNU bc of GPL , not that it would hold in chinese courts of law , its tedious tk see on savannah+cgit compared to github but they R all over apache software , something to B said ab priority as western devs spend inf manhours on web
Wikipedia-Scholia must be conserved At all cosrs
I almost Got tricked into buying one of those thingymajogs ...
40 days In the desert ,, 40 days of I blew it Why did I say that thing , why didnmt I say that And on the 41st morning over that hill yonder I will find an Oasis or a dry Gulch
No Sympathy 4 PC gamers
I bet they Love him ovetrtherre https://twitter.com/investmentpanda/status/1798357585495814369
3 potatoes for You my mom says
Feel Like i talked my way out of A good situation .. maybe notn can onlly wait and see
Buses are disliked in the SimCity scene Bc there is agency involved ,, only you tell it when to Stop; they live in Fear
Lamb n sweetpotato n minty yogurt
Downwind of someone Farting a lot this Sucks
early spring is my favorite time of year, right after the snow melts but just before everything starts to bud it's exactly like the first light of every day (coincedantally my favorite time of day)
it does fit the art award archetype though
what a joke
how did gödel escher bach win a pulitzer
my desk is positioned above my heater so it ends up being quite cozy
sorry for the seriouspoast - i wanted to record this somewhere at the very least while i have you, expect an avy change soon, i like to stay ahead of the seasons
divine order is a circle, and we try to model it by inscribing a polygon in the circle. as our technological ability grows, our model becomes more complex and we add more sides to the polygon; however, there is an infinite distance between each point on a circle. fruitless
https://youtu.be/sIXYPjIWPGY Very much in psychic alignment with rhythms like on this lately
one of the most essential components of winter attire is the neckwarmer. seals in the heat
high intelligence but little to no wisdom, many such cases frustrating to watch
wonder how many times i have had an exchange with a bot online unknowingly
Tai lopez is on that good hgh
need to learn to sew
if i had a script i would make a movie i could 100% do it
fell off the journaling wagon unfortunately
new york birthright: free travel to florida it's only right
last tweet was N°3^5
begone spotify unwrapped! begone!
what are you doing on your phone that's so important? once a scold, now turned into a mantra funny how things work put
say every word
psychic energy and willpower very strong this morning
5 hours on the rectangle today, no bueno One day i'll find something to replace this with
i do not like restaurants but i do like the fine dining experience with the multiple knives and forks and spoons and all the etiquette
no time left. ended up going with frankenstein
in need of some aural entertainment, any suggestions? open to podcasts but i'd prefer an audiobook. not very well read so plenty of possibilities. something i can rip from youtube ideally
Sick and bored
Smells cold outside this morning
few understand the strength of the balaclava
Why did they add sugar to lemonade Fresh squeezed lemon in water is perfect as is, extremely refreshing
did a brief check in with tiktok, man that stuff is crack will check back again in 10 months
one day i will fulfill my promise of outdoor pictures - difficult in a city with no personal means to leave unfortunately. working on it
almost tweeted a take but i left the thought in the shower, it's for the better
refuse to use acronyms
there's just something right about sitting cross legged with a relaxed posture idk what it is
must spend wisely in the attention economy
Accidentally knocking over a row of bikes à la the movie trope but it's fixed gears instead of motorcycles and it's outside of a quaint cafe instead of a roadhouse I'll leave the image of the mob up to you
beware the rectangle
why? because
i sleep good, and i miss a lot of trains
very very very fond of this but having been here some time - is this no different than what online trads are up to? or is this something truly deeper? i'd have to ask chuang tzu to know for sure
Though neighboring states were within sight of each other, and could hear the cries of each other's dogs and chickens, the people grew old and died without ever traveling beyond their own borders. At a time such as this, there was nothing but the most perfect order."
"Long ago, in the time of <some old people>, the people knotted their cords and used them. They relished their food, admired their clothing, enjoyed their customs, and were content with their houses.
for the record i'm a young guy. really only make these observations about my peers
when i used to get high i would look at other people and try to imagine them as elderly now, sober sans maybe some liquor, i now imagine people in 20 years out or so while peoplewatching which one of these ladies will become a pta mom? who is acting this way as a fad? etc etc
mosquitos and wasps are pollinators, they have a place as annoying as some may find them
I'm the chairman of the bored
i think i should save up for a car so i can get out on the weekends. feels wrong asking others with cars if they can take me places
back to regularly scheduled programming soon
also this is in semi-closed off group spaces like discord/irc/groupchats/etc. twitter i don't see it as much
interesting dynamic to watch play out, though it always happens the same way: an attempt by the few to convince the many of an opinion, then the few are ridiculed and dismissed after writing this out i realize it may just be normal online group behavior
an observation ive made is that when those, typically randoms, who consume "dissident" political media online attempt to dunk on "libs" (which incl cons and left types), it looks as silly as when the latter go after maga types this might be more about numbers and territories idk
everybody wants to be joker but nobody wants to be jefferey goines
it's a balancing act if you want to look and feel like water. too long and there is no control
Long strides, looong strides
accidentally fasted
music dump
someone bankroll me i'd make you a hell of a picture
thinking about this song in the context of something like mightmare on elm street https://youtube.com/watch?v=klQXekATkw8
dusktime leisurely walk
yes, the changing of colors is pretty and the cool weather is great but me, i like all the shades of green in early summer when everything is lush
I feel that my manner of speaking in person can be quite old-guy-esque It's a mixture of my grandfathers and a couple other older guys
have been seeing 444 a lot
also remembering that i need to come good on my promise to post more pictures of outdoors. it will happen as soon as i convince someone with a car to come along with me
normally i would just ignore stuff like that, would have been wise to have done the same there, but i was feeling a little fired up
and that's not to say it's the only cause, it's just a piece of the lifestyle pie but at the end of the day we all die so... that is outside the scope of this take though
this whole "seed oils => obesity is nonsense" is a total psyop be wary. it is nonsense but that's the point; seed oil etc. stuff is about chronic illness + diesease, those reframing about obesity (some unknowingly) now help ease worries about it in general
equinox tomorrow! completely forgot
a little sunrise to start the week why not
Trees in the wind are very much like corals swaying in the sea currents
Basking in the sunlight otherwise
I keep wearing my tee shirts inside out on accident
the only question is who would host...
Are You Smarter than a Twitter NEET?
hiding spot tea
I did not end up getting any sleep but i did rest my eyes. Good enough for me
i think if the weather holds this afternoon i will commit to a nap in the park i have a nice spot in mind
thinking about how i had a whole dozen of double yolk eggs from the supermarket a couple months ago totally an accident im pretty sure farmers keep those for themselves
was doubting this sunrise but i think the cloud formation is gonna save it
right time right place caught myself a good morning today
hello twitter world
also didn't want to end on a bad dream so i slept a little later this morning
shoulda gone on a walk but I think I missed the window. tomorrow instead if I get as nice of a morning
we do a little strolling, it's called we do a little strolling
the emperor has no clothes but he rules over a nudist colony
wanted to journal tonight but my bed is calling me
if i must go to the loony bin I am certainly bringing my china with me
it'll improve my penmanship too
i can't keep up with messages so something ive been thinking of doing for a while is sending friends letters phone calls are good too but i feel they are underappreciated
think i will start sprinkling more images i take here both as an excuse to get out more and for some variety
turning phone off and going to park
sorry, i am unable to like your instagram post because it does not contain any trees. good day!
thinking about trees
lower back pillow
In all black though
Wearing shorts td its too damn hot
feeling a little corny as of late
Sometimes you gotta let yourself get finessed a little bit, pay a little more. Everybody could always use a win
Cant remember when i ate Its just thumb and walk and wait
I cannot stop looking at the rectangle
ahh i messed this one up bad
There ya are stretched out, on the floor buddy Now ya see, what you Made him do Here they come to take him off to jail buddy and tomorrow someone will bury you
love this whole show but this is my fav from it
who am i kidding
the score is settled. at peace
walkin dude
its only as hot as you want it to be
forgive me father, today i go thru the self checkout
We're making something new Together
Spent All morning braiding my veins with the Computer's now I am catching up on Sunlight
Just doing my William Tell Routinr …
It would Be more interesting if more people were like that one Guy in the remote north that went without contact with another Person for 25y and he shed his Inner sense of identity He just existed and was
Joyous Prancinf round a flame Liane the Wayfarer
Children Soeaking and unknown Language on the train
Defeated and retreating into the Weekend , thankfully there are provisions lasting hntil the next Sortie ..
Just As we are living anything or any process or any structure that is of us or extends us is also Living and is survived by Us ; anything that is made still or fixed will die with Us
There’s a guy who does Andrew Tate type nonsense But I think he’s on the cutting edge of this Form
Something 2 be said about the preacherman-like Reel where Someone is givimgm so,e sham motivational talk to a group between that and the standupcrowdwork I feel like I am going platz to strasse to platz
I’m Undercover lately in a few weeks I’ll return to the clearing
Where are the real Thinkers on a Thursday ..
U don’t really see Banana Splits anymore
Mitsubishi has subcompacts for $16k and they only sold 9k units in USA for 2023…
Europe is a different story
I’m fine w BYD it’s dishonest 2 pitch compacts and subcompacts Tho as if they will sell it’s 2024 America is the land of the Crossover and Pickup , but then the prices get closer or even more expensive if u include ICE vehicles never mind Dealership prices ..
its a swanky looking device but I mean to say that what we see is just another Gearhead; i have a lightphone2 so i read the subreddit and it is flooded with "EDC" posts; users show their armory of everyday items; someone once asked how is this minimalism and all U hear is excuses
someone is missing...
decided to listen to the signs today and be proactive i may be being too cautious but there is a lot at stake
very strange roller coaster of a day. need a lull to regroup, got battered by the waves today
there was a favorite pair of shoes of mine that i thought was long gone which i found and i cherish that i did find it but that is material and something i use often
there are certain videos, school essays of mine, internet personalities, music that are buried deep somewhere or lost forever that i think about a lot but if i had access to these things how soon would the novelty rub off
overpowering beautiful early morning tempted to go for a walk but i will settle for the chair and a cool breeze
those youtube optimized :O clickbait thumbnails have really been bothering me lately. very very bad energy being transmitted
might as well commit to getting out of bed now
ahhh reclining
radio raspberries rotating fan reading material
do i
i think im gonna move spots the people watching is good but i'm missing a good tree to look at
twitter from the park bench
7am diner with all the old timers
mosquito groupies
Volume on 13
I seem to be a favorite of the mosquitoes this summer
recently a believer that cameras take a bit of our soul from us. unsure if it only borrows it or not though i wonder what he will see when he gets the roll developed
someone took a picture of me on the street earlier i hope it came out good
just barely made it
nice sunset tonight
Pick out a cloud And Speak very loud And that cloud Will be yours Forever
My latest romantic daydream life is a small house on the bay on a fair sized lot of land Wooden shingle siding, well weathered, with white trim on the windows I'm on a tiny sailboat watching the clouds and the other boats Maybe painting the landscape
Lady on the train speaks with the same cadence as david lynch
nice summary of my last couple days
i saw a raven the other day from outside my window. was going to go outside to get a closer look but luckily i had my binoculars nearby. so so so majestic. never seen a wild one before
had a beach bonfire in pea soup type fog. once in a lifetime experience, very cool
She fits just like my guitarrr Man shes near as tall as me
Touched all the vegetables at the farm stand
Have been seeing crows everywhere lately
Noooo i forgot to set my alarm I wanted to watch first light this morning :/
My great grandpa was a longterm bartender at lindy's does that make me lindy
Theres a bee on the back of my head this dude is just chilling
Sometimes it's best not to listen
92 and below
Tweeting is hard posting music is much easier
I keep falling for these ads and click on them by accident thinking they are tweets smh
Normalize Keying Ritzy Vanlifers Vans
Idk why people get so upset and complain about having to help out their parents and grandparents with technology. Just be patient. Doesn't matter how long it takes
Using twitter via 'add to home screen' has no fleets, but the full app version does. Interesting.
Five years of self imposed exile and I caved. Oh well
Theres a lot i could say aboutbthese people and no one seems to be saying it , nothing Mean just reporting maybe i will write some crude essay
What is curious about DigitalMinimalism is if you listen closely , they do not cast out Gizmos because they wish to retake their Life , but rather that they wish to be more " Productive ". Mostly that is the case .: " How he went from YouTube addict to studying 12H per dat "
I still believe in America
Thinking ab Burial-at-sea
My neighbor ,, the old Chief ,, they killed him in the hospital it was malpractice , he gave me 5 or so spare white undershirts used I think but clean I’m wearing one now some have tiny holes in them This one is soft to the touch
You don’t see anybody “ Going Commando” anymore
Ppl Joke about the 90s officeworker melodrama but it rlly does Suck it's just not the worst thing ever like they make it Out to be
Last summer I was at the beach With some guy who looked kinda like The Mid Smoker and he was telling Me to wear a Long sleeve tee with a hood instead of sunscreen Bc its poison while I collected rocks by the Waves
I’m feeling about 100,000,0000,000,000,000,000 hot dogs and maybe 400,000,000,000,000,000 hamburgers and maybe 700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 beers I think that should Be enough
Cool people kinda like if Furries were well adjusted but I guess that’s what happens when the Gimmick isn’t hiding in a suit These people are in their mermaid tails swimming with the Fish it’s beautiful
Learning about the Mermaid community and Mersonas
LA Beast is a Good example of the Kevin Smith variety of New Jerseyan they R disappearing https://twitter.com/emi_f1sher/status/1794353074317996246
Pina Colada would B nice rN
Going2 start Moving around again Soon nomore stasis
Nice sunset
I Dont Know what a screenshot Is can you Settle for a Recounting
Permanence or is it Rlly
Hotyoga loudspeaker Reaching on to the street Call to prayer
I Used2 comehome from school and BlueTrain would be blaringfrom the Crosley suitcase mt dad got one yr for Christmas , hed come down from his homeoffice every so often to flip the record over , ovr and ovr , until dinner time every day , for a few yrs this was rhe standard
Is It enough To give Beauty to someone Else than to make sumthing with It of your own Invention isit sloth or selflessness
This Is what they let me do onthe Job
Walkin Into the Room to say Im Shinji 2 a room Full of people who Do the same nd With every new entrantdebutant it gets More painful
I only want to Toil these days
in My time in my own personal Abbey I think people interest me most
I like the Boy Room reels Account because both the lives of the Interviewer and the Interviewed R foreign 2 me not any better not any worse just different
Wow go Sean Baker
My issue Is that I don’t fish or sail enough That’s the root of it all
Going 2 do a Spaces later I think
The Goog stuff is a Marketing campaign a la Starbucks Misnaming
The Tv phenomenon could come from People who are now watching a show and want to see jokes and references too it and bc TV is now divorced from a timetable it’s Eternal September
I find that in the case of TV memes Almost always come from the first season or the last And well books…. Wikipedia
Does anyone read or watch 2 completion I feel like a lot of ppl don’t
a lot of things r just veiled Masturbatiom
the Trick to laundering gruel into A relationship is calling it “ boy dinner“ then compromising by doing some twist on it to make it an “elevated boy dinner “ that’s the secret
Pretty soon athey R gonna have 2 let an old head speak on it
Nothing is better than a Really Big Ship nothing is more majestic
Were at a crosswinds
lost in Budget numbers and grandiose Maps is an unanswered Question : if U should go, what will you do? I don’t believe anyone has an response that trumps Nothing and standing pat as you Are
Theres Something about a gravel driveway that in the midst of a summertime Grass invasion
We must pay it no mind though it is just another Eternal September there are many now this is just a subset who Consume for the sole purpose of commentary in Hopes of many likes but we must rmember or at least Hope that it is only a phase and that the next hooligans you see r new
You will see the Rabble on Reels say , yhey say this : "Mythical pull" on any Video that is extraordinary ,, this is Mockery, pointing and laughing, rude and ignoble; shame on them!
I have already read Trout Fishing in America by the way I just Like to buy books i have already Read
We Used to call them SmileyFries or Smileys
Is there anything better than a Smiley Face French Fry
The beautiful Thing about tweeting from the mobile Safari is if you refresh the page in the midst of composing , you get a clean slate And it breaks the back event triggered by Post so U become a gatlinggun
Yeah yeah people like to get there Jokes off but the Reality is this: Whim and Deemacs hold no candle to ed(1) ,
The strangest Thing happened : a raindrop smallnenough fell perfectly into My eye nd my Body recognized it as a tear come home ....
Some Of these computer guys are very talented ,,
Do U think it is humiliating 4 instagram reels chefs to make the exaggerated first taste reaction
So mom, if you please, pass me the pork roll egg and cheese, if you please, On a kaiser bun. Mom, if you please, pass me the pork roll egg and cheese, if you please, On a kaiser bun.
If Not for them there would be 15-20 per day tops But yeah moral of the story is find A bunch of people and add them all to an Airline Points Family Sharing plan
Thwre was that Post that has circulated about the Montreal to New York flight frequency ans I can tell U as someone whos traveled that path a couple dozen times On any given flight it is 33-50%+ orthodox jewish people who from what i hear R using milespoints on one shared account
The backpackrucksack is what really killed Formal dress
There is a poem that I’m not sure came from a dream or a movie I watched if it was the movie I remember it being attributed to no author
Chinese devs Really like the Apache Software Foundation maybe they like GNU too Savannah is less easy to tell that sort of thing than GitHub
There r a lot of people who talk about the abstract Coworker but Idomt think they are far off themselves ..
I want 2 go to Duluth MN
I’ve been having Visions of two future paths .. one with longerhair and a brown loose fitting suit and another with big sunglasses
As the Last Drop descends down the neck of the bottle , sweet Nectar ,, retreating waves now fleeting Stillness , bask in the maritime Sundries now revealed to you ! soon fading in ritual mantra chanting and you’ve blinked and the waves grasp at your chair Once more
Im just a Mayabout
and witha Gasp ..
There was a bald n bankrupt video where he is in in some central asian Country and he steps onto a makeshift Bus and fare is paid by tossing coins onto a carpeted basket it was patterned and Blue
Sometimes you are Divinely placed perfectly as a voyeur
One of My uncles ran away as a young man to never return home I think about him a lot
In london and have some time to myself Any recommendations
I used 2 play the Pirates Of Caribbean MMO nd dream of Tortuga
Was Authenticity as much of a universal critique and concern as it is now Im curious
This is a clear indicator of the scroll preceding the codex if we didnt know it already because the tags that were used to distinguish them are orientation independent
You still have to bend over or lower your gaze in that case so it is a Clear loser to the shelf
Vertical oriented Languages are best equipped for the Codex ; the book can be stored in a position optimal for the spine and our spines (upright on a shelf) and U dont need to crane your neck to read the title ; for our horizontal language our best bet is a drawer but not as good
There is no judgement Here these are just observations
The Phenomenon of the Golfing Dude is curious .. as White collar office dress standards lax they start to stand out ,, it looks as if they just came fromnthe links ... the same can be said of many young Women -- dirty white sneakers and blue jeans but with a more conservative top
Im Sorry i just had to comment on It i wont do it again for A while i promise 🫶
What interests me most abt the latest goingson is that tech developments evaporated thelast of the power and leverage of the Actors yet they face resistance bc certain people are so Vain that they cannot bear to hear anydissent they could ignorenthem and it would all dissolve
I see a babbling brook from a Sunlit vista I see the pebbles modulating its speech and syncopation and the heat rising
I see the world with Clear eyes do U
Do U think people recognized what happened to Gutenberg immediately
The Sansd have shifted and people r still getting their Bearings
Walking with hands interlocked :: behind back loosely swinging : joyous across the diaphram pressed lightly : sinister
I am in a mindset of looking how to Break things and fix them and win conditon hypotheticals always sometimes it can be insensitive and coarse Something i need to work on 💚
Anytime i do something bad iam met with immediate consequences look inward ..
Gaunt railyardwalker in Hunger right-of-way broken asunder industrial hundredyearold sundries
Whats the woman Norwood
Norwood Son or Daughter
I hate the Canes so Much
i had an epiphany today Chicken Parm Wings (no muzz though) yes or no. let me sell it 2 u: think about that typeof breaded wing that is just barely coated in sauce but enough to absorb , it also doesnt keep well you gotta eat it fresh , now replace the buffalo for a red sauce
Iam and will B forever
Imreally liking the bubblewrap and the Poses theses guys are making https://twitter.com/Marbak0/status/1781292167429759390
Lately iam thinking of the feeling of that Last morning at a campsite packing up numb to a valleychill before U stretch your legs https://youtu.be/NVMV8SqgPtM?si=ylPCairJkw1Bab6I
Puttinng myThumb on the selfcheckout scale bc I think they deserve more
$1.79 for 4 Pice chicken wing hard to Beat that
Renegade Priests and Treacherous Young Witches
Airchatr beet me to the punch ... I think i still Hv time though they dont know who the Markt really is
I have lived a cloistered life
Dreams of a Passage through the Pacificplain
What If i bought Three dinghys or skiffs and admiraled a fleet so fearsome in the local Pond ;.; the geese pay me tribute in Kind in excahgne for algae pastures but the Ducks oh the ducks they can be a fickle Peop;le@! nevermind the Swans ...
Its Over wereso back .. its over
Emmashouse is empty ....
I Am telling prospextive employers that I can bring a certain Sensibility to the table ..
Pacific Ocean Blues this am
Instant Coffee
Im not supposed to Do it but everytime i go in to the Office a handful of skittles seems to find its way into from thedispenser into my possession
Old Joy has Really fit nicely into my personal Canon
i Think about the Chess club in Kubricks the Killing alot
I never need 2 buy a new game Ever i dont game nymore though
They Were playing Aphex Twin #13 in the Spa changing room then i Locked in
I was out ib the sun Today
The Fanatics New York Islanders shirt my cousin got Me for christmas has 4 different fonts on It
For my Trainride today i vrought with me 1 salami 1 package rice cakes 1 granola bar and 1 thing of dried pineapple
Let a brisk fellow of forty years follow them, with a loaf of four quarters and eight slices for his dinner, one who will attend to his work and drive a straight furrow and is past the age for gaping after his fellows, but will keep his mind on his work.
Think Befor you post something to Fool us ..
Do you Ever look at an old coin and think About it in its year of birth and all of the older coins that it may havw shared a pouch or pocket with That arent around today
It is So beautiful seeing people first Giggle at Davis Clarke nd slowly come to admire him
I used to have Shia's boots the Vasque Breeze IIs but i got rid of them i wish i didnt
Sat next to A guy at the Greyhound stationhub and he was rolling one up
It tortures me
I hate that i have more than one computer
Once you find the right pair of Jeans you put the first piece of the puzzle on the table ....
All of Your things should fit in a 18x18x24"box theres no otherway to go about it
Viral Hopecore
Trout was there too he got one of a house so was another twitterguy i forget who but there were three of us
Had A dream that I was sat at the counter giving ingredients to the fry cook to Assemble a breakfast sandwich but he ended up giving me a tattoo of the sandwich instead it was on my back on the lower left side
feeling Inspired tonight
overuse of a phrase Does not diminish it but folds in that feeling into our collective conscious thats why i tell people I Love them all the time , easier to do online than in person they may look at you weirfd
Ode to the Passersby
Ive seen that familiar stranger in the throng before , I Love You. gone forever until next time thoughts of health in a head cold . what Was it like to see you last? was the sun witness and rubbing elbows with Breeze squeezing through the concrete concert to get some fresh Air ?
the Anvil is my Siren its song .. so swweet
Most people just want to be
Why are there no Content Creators who are pure of Heart ?
If Flophouses made a comeback people would just say You Will Live In The Pods in a sarcastic voice It's a shame 🚬
If I say surely the Darkness shall cover me Even the Night shall be Light about me
One day youll find yourself in a Clearing and as the wind undresses you Youll feel for something in your backpocket that is no longer there
I opened the oldest vault Actually and there were some streamers they were red and green and loose m&ms only the brown ones though But that was it it was kind of disappointing now i know what its like to be on Storage Wars
Tomorrow I may be on the Steppe you never know where life takes you
Im happy for boogie2988
Is the Mormon Missionary Experience just a happy coincidence for the CIA pipeline do you think they handpickem say this one seems goood or is it a nepotism situation
What if you put your life savings down on a Parlay tonight 💚💚💚💚
I like 2 queue the Dead up on the jukebox
all of that "Homelab" stuff is the Nerd Siren thabkfully there is a kind German mann spreading awarenesss on youtube now I am firmly tied to the Mast and my ears waxed
Teardrops fell on mommas note When i read the things she wrote
I should hv bought tickets to an enema of the people the play
Im out in the open now
I blieve in the Waves and the Wind
i am going To eat so much corned beegf and so much cabbage this weekend
The Copilot ads microsoft has been running are voiced by a nasal middle aged man they are Targeting the boomer demographic
i already run jellyfin but plugin is apparently no good ...
its a weird in between case where it is too much for a file server and too little for a fancy media server
nyone know of a file server that can use metadata and be run in a container , metadata is the key part here plenty of selfhostable file servers the goal is to have a nexus for my ebooks/pdfs that i can download to my phone whenever if not nw
James from love on the spectrum is one of the most powerful instagram reels posters
if you put a Tiny Beanie on him and some tattoos and an earring and jeans that are a little too tight in the thighs and some red wing boots and a sweatshirt he would look to be about 31 He just moved into the neighborhood with his Partner and their child and Furbaby (an adoptee) https://twitter.com/ItsDanThomas/status/1768383046909079675
Resistinng the Urget o buy an expensive mechanicalkeyboard
Emacs clicked 4 me its over
Quibi was ahead of its time But they went the wrong way they should have focused on GarbageTV like true crime think about how many people would love 15minutes of the Juiciest bits instead of 2h+ also it being vertical was Wrong ordinary people watch their TV on a TV or a laptop
Devin is what Happens when U gather together a bunch of Spelling Bee Champions and ask them to write a Novel .... no vision no soul bad product But there are other games at play here
I need 2 learn to read Japanese
I Used 2 watch my recorded Lectures 3x speed ; knew a guy who would do Podcasts in 4x , are we at the Limits ? Can we do more what does this mean for what we look at and listen To if this impulse is Not rejected by our bodies ? This is the Next big thing
The First shortform platform to have 2x speed by tap n holdng a certain part of the screen Wins its how i watch stuff exclusively on here n yourube regular ,, i wonder how advertisers factor in 2x speed
im going to Channel this odium into Something beautiful though ; you'll See you'll see Im going to create something new and Uniform
Can U be saved can U be Redeemed
Can U undo being a junkie can U undo being a goon er
I Need to Be somewhere where the atlantic crashes against The rocks
Maybe its less of a big deal bc Of consistent dimensions of symbols
Nobody rlly talks ab top-down read language readers going between that nd left-right seamlessly
Tortured trying 2 Recall
Not helpful Guys
The World lies in waiting 4 a hobo to cast a Bindle onto his shoulder ; to warm garbanzo beans In the can on hot coals ; to stand orthogonal to the Arteries thumb completing Descartes
Evn the Koream Street Food videos rnt as Good these days ..
The Mets r gonna Let me down tonight
Let My Dominion be myDomicile ; should That be too great of an Ask let it be one Room ; should that be too great of an Ask let it be one Corner ; should that be too much of an Ask
I remote View from courtside , sometimes I am in the box seats , sometimes in the nosebleeds
I dont Watch sports anymore i just channel the broadcast into my headspace
Pineapple and Thin Mints 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
looking at Sailboats
is art made so that it may be enjoyed by others or so that those involved in its creation may benefit ? was the earth created so that god may seek rent from man or so that man and beast may reap its fruit
spotify is not the best target here personally id go after amazon prime music or youtube music because those are just sideshows for their respective companies so not a lot of oversight
but just putting it out there bc this is free money at least hypothetically
then there is startup costs with buying enough devices to handle this , you can get capable smartphones for $50/phone and you'd recoup that easily in the first month , no startup fee at all for anyone with a crazy pokemon go setup . this is not something id personally take adv of
individual plan to hide association + a vpn per account , take mullvad which goes for $5/month (and you can pay in cash) which brings monthly cost to ~$500 , and this is without redundancy so you can scale this to say three times with 69 accounts and still have good margins
1mil streams nets you $10k at $0.01c/strm , the bill says streaming service providers must give 50% of their service fee no less than $4 and no more than $10, given spotify individual plan of $10.99 so that would bring it to ~$17 incl tax which brings monthly costs to $386/month
i wonder how streaming services will Cap per-user streams or how closely they will look into streams if tlaibs bill goes through you could in principle game it by having 23 devices and 23 spotify subscriptiions -- ~44k minutes in a month and 1mil monthly stream cap for a track
not a podcastlistener just thought this was Interesting
they Talk a lot about character limits but the thing that should have never been allowed is Drafts
Id like to sail the LongIslandSound and maybe the Great Lakes and the Chesapeake Bay and explore all of the nooks and Crannies
I hv outed myself as an ignoramus
People r asking me on the street if I know TroutFish
on Evry bus is a Church , and in the speakerphone-incantation its Liturgy
I need a few suits and the kind thats a little too Big on me and no padding or filling Just my frame and a shorter haircut
ill see how long the OldBoy keeps up gonna throw a lot at it soon
think in my heart I need a new Rig but my head says no or at least not yet
In need of a Quarter to throw
Former Line Leader
I was at a dinner party and overheard a couple combing through the latter and one of them said Why is everything in this book so Old they should update it
What do U think happens in the moment that someone completes the 100 Best Books Ever Infographic with Atomic Habits at Number 1.. What happens when someone gets to the end of 1001 Movies To See Before You Die. Has that ever happened there must be One person who completed them
It is very Nice out today.
I just want to be a guy and he is wearing a wellworn sport coat over a sweater with slacks and he is sitting in the shade of the sycamore in the square There he is he is pointing gingerly at something and chuckling to his chums
I was goin to buy some Criterion deeveedees on sale but i stopped myself Not today
a promise of material Eden guarantees failure ; why do you think the Founders insisted on PURSUIT
I kinda like tge mall only when its empty tho
Some1 is grilling i can smell it
reenactment of a scene from yesterday
the Dead Pigeon was prostrate before a sidewalk mural of an Eagle wings outstretched
Gentrified Type Diner Playing Cocteau Twins
What is it ab People who are really into Japanese Jazz Fusion why do thy have 2 be annoying about itonline
When I was younger I wanted to Be Zohan
Man U Script
This would Never work on me https://twitter.com/ghosttyped/status/1760734197311000828
Peaty Wheatstraw
Not good at getting good
https://youtu.be/7S5SpE62HDE?si=sCX-4t-0UZFj11Lt When the guy in the tutorial video sounds like this ...
So I'm just hearing now that I didnt read the instructions for the case and that cable management could be made easier its been 7 years since i put this thing together
Spent too much time this morning thinking about alternatives 2 keeping my old gaming computer that i repurposed and keeping it is the best option i just hate that i was 2 dumb to realize that i should have gotten a modular power supply im the type of sucker to prioritize badstuff
I dont rlly have any desires
Quarter Life Crisis
Im watching Entourage lately as my easylisteningstation its really Just the Johnny Drama Show (plus 3 bums)
I was rewatching A serious man and was thinking about the clean slate that was housing development in a lot of places at the time of the movie-setting And also how simply decorated the exteriors were
Was mulling Ovr a purchase and came upon a windfall , an obverse Dime -- my lucky day
My answer for it is Lack of Boredom btw
I could have been really mean here but what would the point of that be Im a Lover not a fighter anyway
Everyoneeverywhere attributes this to money but They Are Wrong i dont think it would be any different nd im not picking on this person btw this is a commonsentiment i have seen https://twitter.com/rianphin/status/1758535401164116245
Why is the Khaki such a popular Variety of pant yet the Tan Suit is shunned
I made my family chili last night they liked it used sausage meat instead as an xperiment
I have figured out the Magic behind smoking on a bike but the Magi have yet to reveal to me the Trick of the Perpetual Cigarette Butt
R Kelly
what r some websites that U would like to see made let me know i'm making one to be a curated space of review and user bio epigrams rn
I need 2 go faster
Lame is harsh its just people who dont know how to Post
thong time listener Durst time caller
Im trying out that new social media buy that one instagram interviewer the concept is coool but the userbase is Lame which isnt surprising
I think we need 2 let an old head speak on it ....
I keep buying more books just as I come close to finishing reading througg my collection
In those who Cry of hollow shows I see a soul, hollowed, morose
U dont see many illicit and unknown powders folded in newspaper scraps anymore
We are in the era of the Stylite once more
Now Reference is the common tongue of ingroupspeak Well it always was but it has become more prominent is what I mean to say , there is little Doing going on in these spaces only attending the sermons of Priestfluencers with an occasional Thought nestled in between. Do U see?
Everything changed when Tokens were digitized because now References become incentivized and so we spiral and spiral faster within-group Some are cast out of this orbit into another , Yes I want you to picture satellites , some get pulled in and Become it but why does it matter?
Thinking about References and Tokens of Acknowledgement and Digital Transiency nd how all of this shapes in-groups
yeah yeah Perfect is the Enemy of Good but is it even good in the first place
Its weird hearing people talk about Looksmaxxing why do you know what that Is
I ride 4 the steppe tomorrow will you join me
Thinking about the Teutonic Helms in Alexander Nevsky the movie is just OK though
I can watch the Chinese Heaven Tiktok and laugh everytime
I didnt realize the radio host Big Boy used to be so big
Niners are cooked
So what is this Temu thing
Its like the Award shows do U see what I mean
Skallasytes will tell You that the Super Bowl is stuck but the Truth is that its more like the ultimate Vegas Residency than nything
Deepin the StuporBowl
Do u think they will still make a Dont Mess With The Zohan 2
Just crushed 2hotdogs in about 2min i think i could take on JoeyChestnuts
Idk if i believe in the Creative Outlet but i do blieve in the Frontier
I shrunk 3 pairs of wool socks by accident
Cancelculture is an obsession 4 older people because they are the TV generations they see themselves as a TV show getting "Canceled" this is their Interface to the world
I think Noir has to be cheap and dirty its an unspoken Xploitation genre
I dont really know what that is ToBeHonest
Rashionalists Lose when they begin to Color outside the lines ...
I would never Post or Share a screenshot of your message to me I think that crosses a line and then Changes how we interact with each other instead of an intimaTe conversation it becomes a livepodcast or some show with an audience ; i am brought out on stage and i feel the lights
This was snarky of Me sorry
I dont really want to interact with them for long but imhappy for them
I think Taylor Swift is a good thing Not evrybody wants 2b some connoisseur
One day ill do a bleached closeCaesar but not now its still too IN
I keep telling people about my Youtube Rip Apple Shortcuts Gizmo but it is only a feignedinterest people would rather pay for it or not listen at all
Why ddoes every one need to be a Movie Music Food critic now
I had a million screenshots of Movies To Watch in my xamera roll and i deleted them so i could start over
How serious of a "Poaster" can you be if you are being heckled by a bot saying S E E M E N U D E I N B I O they just Ownd you Thats why everyone is so mad about it Its like when an adult visits the Kids table
The porn reply bots are a good palette cleanser on Posts it keeps them humble it think
One thing that stuck with me from Wuthering Heights in 10th grade is that the father walks 60 miles to Liverpool no questions asked he just does it whats the excuse people
So if You were wondering how I spent that 1 or 2 dollars i ended up Not getting the polo i was going to for $12 so that opened up a $15 window i spent on a couple of Thriftbooks things
Certain Genre labels do more haarm than good because it becomes almost a Fetish that people pursue especially more depressive stuff I'm talking about stuff like "Loner Folk" what good does that serve anyone
I'm with LM on this one
Thos apples of the eyes look pretty good but it would be an Irresponsible decision
I just have Beef with discord this is all this is about
Buy Up discord and make it uninhabitable make them pay per message
What if we did Internet Gentrification ...
Choose stasis nd U lose
The New paradigm is audiobooks over the Stereo System
I always try my best to be warm n friendly to others sometimes i slip up but thats ok
Macdemarco is so right fireman sam is amazing i used to watch it all the time with my brother
Whats something i could get for one maybe two dollars online
I can hear Chimes from another domain
Office Baklava and a Decaf
One thing u dont see sportsmen do anymore is raise both hands up in celebration and sometimes do a little jump They all used to do it that was all they had back then
More things should have really tiny people in it like Night at the Museum and Gullivers Travels just some small dudes
Designer bred cats are crazy U will never look at another cat tha same at least i wont They are like aliens so cool
Im ur Biggest fan
Did you know that there are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle stan accounts
There has to be 1 maybe 2
Do U think there are any dudes in jail left that are playing the harmonica
I like the aesthetics of german compound words but i dont know the grammar rules so i kinda just make up my own versions and tune by ear
Not mych time 2 do much lately But i have been able to squeeze a page or Two on my commutes and watching some Movies with my woman And im playing some guitar here and there though that has kinda fizzled out piano too I think music is gonna be my Physicalmaterialleisurepursuit
Slacking off at work
Can I go be a frontiersman please yes Or no
Blinding myself in a renouncement of Image
I had smth to say here and then it left me Maybe it was for the better
Yeah Detroit might be cooked I hope not though Lionsbros
Whats up PillowNation welcome to my Bed
Im also just not that Vulgar
I think Trump is probably Gay what straight man says i want to grab her by the pussy that sounds like a Man in Hiding to me Dont take this as an endorsement or indictment I just feel like that phrase was Touted as something Big by others with Fear of Salem silence
Long Distance Runner ...
Id like 2 be in a Dadband one day and play a rendition of Fire onthe Mountain
Theres a class of People who have a fascination with living There and all of the silly happenings and the good and the bad where I am not sure if it is just a new Contrast in their lives or something else that i cant pin down
Just got a New coat its gonna change everything
I turned off subtitles they became TooCool now rvrybody has them on
i think Lynch Bros would enjoy Ferrara maybe
I think the 80s is the best decade for independent or even bigbox since the talkies and my naive reason isthe combvination of advent digital and lots of money im hesitant to include drugs but maybe that too
I blew it today I had a chance
AppleGoogle Maps newyorkers ,, can we even call them thsy , i digress, drop the article "the" when referring to Landmarks or Discrete Spaces because the Maps app is their point of Reference
Im gonna start up a Drum Corps
Im going2 do a spaces tn maybe
Maybeill wale up one day and thepaperwork will b gone
Must b nice to be a nationwide sports broadcaster nd not have to watch anyother games or do any other research Just get paid to watch the games U call thats what it seems like at leasr
Maybe U should stop listening 2 musicallday too , That counts 👍
The Reaction 2 ScreenTime has largely been "Pick Up a Book" which isfine nd ill be writing abthis longform soom enuf ince i getthru this transient phase ; but Most ppl would be better served includingmyseld just looking out the windowinstesd ; it's Ovr but we can still be Back
Shouldi have deletedall those movieS? No nd i regret it but It's ok
Not sure if i jusr got cursed or hexed rn
Most of this is me saying what is Already Known but nobody seems to talk about transcription
Thw real best application of ai stuff is traanscription of youtube videos for subtitles its like 90 sumthing percent accurate chatgpt only looks appealing bc google has got2 be that bad plus reddit+discord killing openaccess fora
Does the suit guy evr talk about how suitpants moved down or is it only the cut of the jacket
Im Klaus Kinski in allways and allroles simultaneously
I like rhe silence nd the rhythm
I Would never listen to music or A podcast in the Shower personally ,,
Dedicating my life to KinectStarWars: Galactic Dance Off
and such is the Twist of Digitization: one can see mounds of Books in a landfill; one can see the plumes of papersmoke; but files wholesale erased in a whisper
Coincidences are coincidences Yet how strange is it amongst cries of Book Bans that scores of unBanned Books are condemned to the dumpster
Theres a lot of midwestern insecurity going On lately But I still love you
I have a guitar that I got when I was maybe 8 as my big present for the year its a mini one too But im a lefty so i asked my parents to have it be rearranged because im no Hendrix I never learned to play but ive been looking at it more and more lately maybe this is the year i do
Im pretty bad at most things i do But that's ok
Time stopped When we stopped turning empty decorative jam Jars into drinking glasses because its all plastic or boring now
My thing about the Bikeable Johnny Appleseeds is that I dont believe They have anything interesting going on to justify it. What r U gonna walk to bud This is why the answer all along is just Zoning the dudes need a neighborhood spot Trust me i know what im talking about here
Tea , I wish it were coffee , Tea and banana bread
Yes I am Getting Into Movies , I have bought the 100001 Movies to See Before You Die to reside on a Visible Bookshelf in my Domicile, and Yes I leave Funny Reviews on the streetlightApp , oho! , and Yes I make sure to see the Latest and Greatest fare , and Yes
U dont see many people Sitting at barstools circling Things in the newspaper with a coffee and a loaf cake or maybe a pie anymore
The trouble with Federatd websphere is that they Misunderstand the Nature of things so they misunderstand the one advancement that comes out of their efforts which is the One True Account but like it or not like ARPANET and TOR this must be handed down from Mt Sinai
My next investment will Be a wine bucket O how princely ! But only for special Occasions
I hav made a breakthru :: A sealed water carafe to complement the tiny cup ; the tradeoff for my life style previously involved many trips to the faucet -- no more
A24 iz like a SirenSong : beware! Do not look! Do not listen!
It doesnt rlly make sense why Brilliant people sometimes believe Sillythings , then I read the Confessions of StAug and then
I dnt think anyone should go To college they Should accept no one
Letterboxd lists r always so embarrassing
The real story is crazy it got passed down from student to student a few times then some dudes in Anatolia p much buried them and then they got all moldy
Theres this movie my old professor would always talk about It's about people preserving Aristotle's book collection or maybe they lost it but does nyone have a clue as to what this might be
I am become Death destroyer of BonBon and all things Munchkin
These days i only get Chicken Cutlets at the deli nobreadnonothing -- then they wrap it up in the wax paper and send me on my merry way
Idont think i could ever put smth on Klarna Paypal ApplePayLater layaway
I have been watching EVANGELION nd so far my thoughts r i probably should hv watchd this when i was 15 or 16
It makes perfct sense but just found out that the shebang line doesnt require absolute paths u can just put the executable there and it works wow
Covert reading via apple Books on the rectangle ... the Man is suspicious of paper but does not blink at phones
Ive been thinking ab that justmarried couple that did their first dance at the reception to the radiohead weird fishies
Like teats in rain
You dont see many Cherries on top anymore .... no Root Beerr Floats
Thinking about Maraschino Cherries
Whats the deal with banned books seems like j theatrics nd that it isnt rlly happening
My favorite part of last christmas is when he whispers happy christmas thats my favorite part
Its hard 2 square full participation in material and digital simultaneously You can only pick one
I feel that my life is a span of many lives lived in that in everything there is an abstracted equivalent outcome How do i break the cycle
As Pickleball is to Tennis
There should be marathons where theres no running its not a race just walking I think it could become a craze
Now you say youve seen it all You know the Men Who Watch Construction very well you do, But have you encountered the grandma with baby in tow front row to the Jackhammer ?
I was always fascinated with Vlad the Impaler as a kid
You dont see anybody At museums just Sitting on the bench and taking a painting in Nymore
When i went to School there was a reading room it was the type where you had to take your shoes off and when I went to read in the reading room to my Dismay nobody was reading nobody they were looking at their personal computers of various sizes Who's the fool with a book in hand
is conors uname after the animal or the band or both dont want to bother him
that I just want you to know I found a Reason for me
What should I do next maybe buy some Scratchoffs one of those right there yes that one and the bossman will say to me this one's on the House, best of luck buddy, and I'll stuff it in my inside jacket pocket and walk out Or maybe I'll step aSide along the counter with a penny
I have Gained the Mandate of Heaven
Yeah i bought the new Game im gonna play it with my younger brother
The stream buffets the Pebble and shapes it So;
it must because it is subject to some force akin to gravity like all decentralized things
2 observations on spotify 1 i get a lot of covers of songs part of some canon of some sort maybe one per week 2 a friend two years ago had a playlist gotten from spotify that was exclusively popular hiphops samples; the monoculture is slowly reforming because it must
The Muse is dry
Sometimes Metallica is just right
I will Be walking home amidst the trickortreaters I told them I'm dressed as a Commuter
Going 2 watch Phantom Menace soon im craving it also gonna buy the mario game to play it with my brother
Despite what The Man with The Slightly Unbuttoned Shirt and Tousled Hair and 5 O'Clock Shadow might tell you nothing applies if u r a daydreamer ....
Erin Burnett looks like Lana tonite its the Eyemakeup and hairstyle i think
I need 2 go to the Aquarium soon to talk to the Belugas i have some business
Every time I try to watch the Boomerang channel its always Tom nd Jerry playing and never shows like Wacky Races
I had to Don the REI Shiesty
In the mood to watch The Irishman the movie today but I don't have the time to
I rlly have a hard time believing that Any books r being Banned seems like a bunch of hubbub 2me
Observations wasted on Fools
Any expectation of those born to morrow to be more competent with digital tools than those born yesterday is misplaced ,,,,
Saw a bunch of article headlines today Veiled calls for a return to 0% interest rates I say Double It
Overwhelmed with that Autumn early evening Feel
hard to read or watch anything these days nevermind play a game or two i am always looking at the page number or the minute
Target Tote vs Trader Joes Tote
There are Good Postsrs everywhere if U know where to look but These are the prime watering holes right now imo
My social Media ranking is 1. Apple App Store Reviews 2. EyeBuyDirect Reviews 3. Quora
Speaking of prospectors when I was in California I saw two raggedlooking dudes on the street they looked like 49ers maybe they were ghosts
I trimmed my beard with Scissors now I get the onceuponatime cowhand or prospector i get it
Was thinking Ab this
Couldn't Quite get the Page Turning - Sunrise - Genesis 1:3 thing going But i hope you see that i tried
I thought Sentenced To Life was a good little way of describing the Fate of a flower pressed into a book
Newsboy on the corner Look See you Sir there Extra Extra , no takers ...
10 million impressions ,, flowers between each page and they are sentenced to life in waiting for you to whisper and there will be light Their world reborn just for today
how of ten do i think about the .... the .....
i finally got around to installing linux on sum sparebaremetal and it has been a breeze
and what would a has-been who never was be
Couple dozen yrs later and Chris Berman is still the best in the biz Nobody comes close to touching him
Texture in AmericanFilms didnt end in the 70s dont listen to those other ppl though if youre seeing this you knowbetter anyways
I wanted to take some pictures of a few discarded apples laying in a slanted creek But my phone was in the car So i leave it to you
Got ripped off for 5 dollars by a coupla Sweet Old Ladies can u believe that
JB is Gone and I was dreaming of the tropics tonight ....
I like the kings and generals youtube channel
But my true brothers are those who rejoice for me in their hearts when they find good in me, and grieve for me when they find sin. They are my true brothers because whether they see good in me or evil, they love me still. X.IV
Vocal fry mom Bring your kid to work day On the train
I feel like i am Dissolving into the air surrounding me
Its hot out yet also so mild
Admiring a tree
From the balcony I heard the construction workers below sat in a circle in luncheon and they were Giggling
What if it was a mukbang with a handful of berries in a cupped hand wet from a rinse
I flew over the Alps once at Dawn with a barebones party and we all got up from our seats there were 15 of us at most and we watched in awe ensemble over complementary coffee and chocolate
A smarthome you say ...... i touch the floorboards and it whispers to me in the sweetestvoice that You can only hear with your ear in full embrace
I was wandering the streets and I dug into the asphalt And i poured a libation Apparition of The Mid Smoker he just told me
Ok one iced coffee coming right up yeah right buddy i'm making it extra hot its gonna be 300°
San Francisco is a beautiful Place
Computers do not solve First Order Human Problems because Information does not reside on the Material Plane as Humans do
At least i am kool ....
I cant kompete with some of these wunderkinds
Now for instance there was a man writing quite openly in one of the respectable weeklies about water-closets. That you couldn't have done ten years ago -- written quite openly about water-closets in a respectable weekly.
I remember seeing that on the Militaryhistory channel and being like wow...
None of the warhistorycels ever talk about the Japanese dudes who would Climb inside a rocket sidecar on a plane that was actually a missile that they would drive and they would Kamikaze into a ship ....
The Barista flipped around the tablet and it said I Love You there was no option for a tip
Never forget when Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba smoked Delta-8 on this day Many Moons ago
I dont like those "Never forget when ..." posts Why are u asking me to Remember ....
This works Better with ___ upon me to rhyme with calamity but i couldnt work it out on the fly
O Calamity, shadowed growl: look upon my furrowed brow!
"How far of a drive is it" "We are driving many hours and many miles ..."
These reels chefs are so interesting to me they charge so much for these tiny plates i guess you could say the same ab restaurants though
This is not to say what U might assume but rather that once raised to the highest concern it becomes more important than the underlying and taints the Original purpose .....
... do let me Tell you of the craftsman who sculpted it !
Philistines encloaked will be the First to tell U , they are always quick to say that its all about election of financialsupport , though they may not sayit outright ... We Need to pay our Artists !!! Behold this pile of dirt kissing the lip of the ditch , it is of the finest
Here's a nickel go Buy yourself a doohickey ....
Dedicating my Life to the Skee-ball machine i will be the Abbot of the Games
The Creek is calling me ....
Then i Freaked it ....
I bought the Ken Hoodie i havent seen the movie though
Been listening to this one all day
Mario kart https://open.spotify.com/track/790JlbbtXSPqqDdVWFzTgM?si=ySKkQ966SyKqQBHlAxc69g
I had lunch on Olympus oh yes
Oh yeah ?... U shoulsee the other guy ....
I love that 7HOMAS777 just hangs out in Burger King
You need to See this . https://youtu.be/8Rv3rZGOFgc
Can someone please make an Onion Chudjak
Onion Chudjak Billions must Cry
GoonCave but It's all Weather Charts and Graphs and there are dozens of screens and a ticker tape relentless and lines on paper printing : I am in the war room preparing for Smalltalk ... https://twitter.com/yokaihainen/status/1684944808328962048
The guy who does IS THIS MOVE LEGAL??!? reels on InstaGram is funny it always cracks me up its so goofy
David Cronenberg Are You Reading This https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1684649876234162176
We got prime boys 🗣️🗣️
Do u think someone with a bellybutton piercing has thought to use it as a keychain with one of those extendable line ones you know what i'm talking about ?
It was Hopeless for a while but i Think well be ok i think well be Back
We Need dinnercluvs and a Big Band and an okd crooner more than ever .. we need a chilly evening
Going 2 the bawdyhouse tn
They R playing Common People at the FancyRestaurant
Sumtimes i think of sky-high Appalachia piercing the sky asit used to
Really into this Tune rn
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
All there Isin the Less Traveled Lands is Void ; gravel Meets your toes , salt flats of Gravel , winds whipping , sealed in a Gray box water stsins scattered here and there , cracks showing ; You may find a fellow traveller here nd there but no one ever makes camp , makes Merry
When you both Know the charcters U play nd the roles very well do You yes i hear the Gaffer barking orders do You drop all pretense or do U follow suit?
Roku City Yoshi City
Brainlock on Resource misallocation
IcedMilk Coffee nd Tomato Kream Sauce chikn or pasta Tickle the same spots in peoples brains based on the zBeige color the way they look
I dont patronize Businesses nymore I just walk around inside for a whilenthen pick up some stuff nd put it back and walk out
Or the Mesa in The Professors House
I like the Gene-Haplogroup people Its like a protected species They can nvr be infoltrated by the schemers nd nonobsessed then commoditized and sanitized bc of past baggage and current consensus , it is that valley im Butchers Crossing , they r beautiful
In the old movies Well not so old if yu ask mee but dust and sand in the newchasers mind In the old westerns on a Train with wooden seats the actors would sit with a bygone posture That's all . i just think about It a lot, how they sit
Let me be your Redemption
Dude was riding the EBike SideSaddle most majestinc thing i have seen in a While ......
The ocean Heals me
Toes out at the grocer Yes im in my chacos
Hardy Boyz theme is Maximum Juice Level
I dont understand
Weighing in
I heard the Daniel Larson Ringtone
Middle Budget Comedy Flick as the resuscitation of the Screwball .... the only truly good pictures to come out of the US of A
Berghain line But for the Barbie movie
Rough sketch but I Think u can see the Picture and the lines in the sand ....
World's bucket overfilled and beads many beads lowered, lowered, Gravity the Supreme belayer; Grim Reaper, awaiting Evaporation-Rapture Soon new Drops once dewdrops into new buckets maybe the same One
Little feet running runnning laps inscripted cunieform ceiling
I need to speak to the mayor of Swim City ....
I don't understand other people sometimes maybe most times
There is a ThreadVoice that people take on , curious thing really but Who are the People liking it ? Who are these people
Payday im Juiced up
You can Tell when someone hasnt stood leaning on the Fence trackside as the Horses approach the Gate with a bet receipt In Hand ....
A cigarette would be nice
Dreaming a drowned plain: Green obelisks, spotty hereandtheres not so strange to a balding man. Thick air, potofGold just over the hill and in the distance, so they say, sunshine toussles wispy curls and toes soaked through Socks Look now, Look!
Preparing to embark on the great Oceanliner ....
A button presser that's all he was and a good one Too but now he's through he threw it all away for nothing ....
He's said he was an honest man that'd only did the best he can and
I Still see the man connected to the ground inthepark
One day a real rain is gonna come and wash all
It changed my Life when dennisclarke said that he uses a 44" screen just one and massive Fontsize just For the terminal and he sits maybe 18" from the screen It's an expensive panel though we are talking big bucks here but no eye strain
Dagwood airbrush Tee and he has a gold grill and a mean look on his Face and a toothpick and a pinkyring SwagWood
Watch your step hes a LooseCannon ....
Those "Look how much OldermyDad seems than I amNow in this picture ..." are so silly its always Just a haircut and outfit change away from a mirrorimage
I liked two Big Tweets now my feed sux .......
Testing out how long i can sit in a Hot Car sometimes i go hang out in the unInsulated Attic during summertime
And nobody's seen it somehow but some have read it
Fat City is like a warm hug
At a certain viewcount comments should be disabled and not visible for music on youtube there is a real threshold when all the unsufferable ppl come
I never understood what was so bad about Mondays
I was thinking about movies I dont Like this morning
photography as Translation of vision ; The Color of Pomegranates not as an adaptation but an ambitious Translation into the universal language of Image But this is why it fails Who cares for a translation not of your own hand ? Better to look Closer to home
I had a Tweet for you , yes you, just for You; but then I looked into the Orb and now there is a Void
Guy who glues the pages of a Book he has finished together as the man who does the same with the pieces a completed LEGO set
You , reader, may see this as an ode to some special someone but no , no one is Exempt this is my Maxim
Take this ! it is my Body and this too , my Blood; I give my whole self unto You
Torture in Dreams : night not as refuge but a daily Life Sentence sometimes in Solitary sometimes not but always in waiting for the Sun
I still Remember when Dunkin had the 30th anniversary Metropolitans memoraBilia of the 1986 grand exploit on sale in stores in 06 and thinking hey this is gonna be our year but it ended with Carlos Beltran looking and Cardinal arms raised and so it was and so it will be
Jelly and powdered and glazed and chocolate glazed munchkins if we were lucky but usually it was just halfadozen chocolate glazed
Open for business
I dont even have a 4HL I go to work or sometimes I am already home then I have little errands just these little pins in my cushion then I eat and go to sleep and I wake up and
I think this is right in this jumbled language sentence but i just like the word Pagliacci
reverence populi per pagliacci
Jorge Posada Jeremy Strong
somehow someway though lineage back to the Academy and the Lyceum and the Mouseion is claimed what it really has come to resemble is the Civil Service Examination
Absence of Rigor and receding standards for achievement make yesterdays news Moot on grounds of Scholarship , irrespective of which side of the line ones toes poke out over, but this is not about that in the slightest bit and this is the great tragedy
There is a gap in our daily lives left by the disappearing of the excessive stamping of Important Documents
This POLAR 100% Natural Seltzer Calorie Free Lemom is really hitting the spot , it is true to their slogan Refreshingly Natural
Hombre de la selva
U know the feeling when u just need to take a shower
Love this guy why is it so cute --> :P
Music is so much better playing from a stereo unit than headphones or even a bluetooth speaker
I think to Orlando and the Poet and his Square Pen in the Canoe as he composes on the spot, a moving spot on the stream, he is showing Orlando, not him but Us, what a work should be
Back from Commercial Break, now I see the meadows of Clover and bumblebees and those tiny white flowers that are easily mistaken for just another weed, and there are patches of dirt , dry and cracked, Cohabitating this enclosed clearing
Town Crier , Doomsayer what say Ye ?
This is what happens when the Railroad comes through Town --- there were rumors of Water here and I guess it's true ; where is the next frontier for the Cowboy ? Internet Gone, City Gone
Once remote and sparse Destinations are now transformed into Shopping Malls ; we are all at the behest of Sports Betting Bros and the Stanley Mug Wielding Women; sweetgreen here, Chipotle there , no more Room for the Downtown Cobblers and dry Cleaners no more
First we plant the Seeds in Suburban Minds then we Clean Up the City under Giuliani
How many young people do you think watched Devil Wears Prada and think wow I want to Make It in the Big City !
I think there was some Money Cabal post financial takeover of the City of New York that pushed for and funded these Movies and TV shows probably to drive Real Estate value
Nyc has Carrie Bradshaw and the Friends and the Seinfeld apartments on Maps it's so over for manhattan its done its dead
I wanted to see MAUS but i didnt like the rest of the lineup and the venue is not great so wasnt sure if it was worth the penny
Listening to the thunder and the rain it never goes on long enough
Better than IKEA at least
Exposed brick is a terrible plague
Not an ipad kid ... i just embrace Toddler Ergonomics
SecondLife was the Rapture ....
Hardy Boyz theme as MK Ultra Trigger
Thats what I'm gonna do in 10y i'll be a mailman I figured it out
I would rather see Zuckerberg vs Bezos bc Jeff is Yoked
Hard 2 forgive sumtimes ... I dont have the grace
No tattoo can ever top this
Dude has funko pop batman tattoo on the back of one calf and funko pop joker on the other I'm not kidding
Evidently i need2 make my way to Bucharest at some point
It is to conjure with a word what says without saying
The name of my band is Depop Denim
Whos got that one credit card information
Verdict on spotify is that it doesnt move fast enough for me and that the net isnt cast wide enough
What if we kept Columbus Day and created another federal holiday for American Indian peoples Then we would have 2 holidays instead of 1
The skinny guy has dominated the action Movie since Cruise and Keanu ... awaiting a return 2 Lundgren
I get the accessibility concerns of a grassy or dirt sidewalk but they make me feel like Johnny Appleseed or Davy Crockett
This is not what i am writing this was a little composition on the spot just for fun
The moorish men bemoaned the times before the moorings , tied where they once bored, were undone; wild boars ...
Im writing and im watching the long goodbye the i might go say hello to some friends ....
Ballparks and arenas should be dumps I like UBS but there was nothing like the Barn nd that was one of the last holdouts ....
Now that i am a corpodrone its a nice release during lunch or coffee breaks when i am working from home
I wrote today it's no good and not ready for the light but its a start
It takes a kingly level of grace and patience to interact with and deal with this archetype . Even more than a child
What Drives someone to be the type of person to be Enthusiastic about repeating some tidbit of common knowledge or off the cuff fact Online and In Person ? A longing for duty?
My room is close to clean , for now at least. I have a donate pile and a for my brother pile and a winter pile and a linen and towel pile and a tower of shoes in boxes , only 3, but i think that makes for a totem pole, and 3 games and puzzles and threee framed items wall leaning
Yesterday was the Steely Dan cassette my dad made yrs ago and Buena Vista Social Club CD
T.Rex this morning
U can say this is already in place with DeepState i guess
U can still have dictator in perpetuo in the US without altering constitution via lifetime VP but nobody in DC has neither a backbone nor balls
I give my whole self always
I have been tinkering with Emacs
Zelda game is fun
To me it is interesting to frame the broader Cause and Group of the lattermost party as a subconscious status wargame -- game because it is a matter of monopoly money: who is jockeying for power and what are the unstable alliances ? A brief tangent
Promiscuity as primeval MaleTrait therefore dysphoric response in Women following said behavior; transness (one way) as jealousy maybe envy too of the latter so some have returned whence we came -- SquareOne No ValueJudgements here just a MorningThought
all Fandom no Hobby
Its gone all gone the quaint cobbler downtown my father's shoes no more never again ; my grandmother up on the shoulders of some slugger from ebbets field ; field mice from my grandmother's neighbor ,the empty lot, belmont by the canal now filled in gone all gone
Jordan Peterson would cry if he saw my bedroom Rn
A man in sat-in SkinnyJeans has the silhouette of a centaur
Do cut through the Vitriol and See that the flesh is true ; herein is the beauty of the ItalianAmerican demonstrative Thing: turn off the Thing pass me the Thing go get the Thing --- do you see God? https://twitter.com/psycho_racist/status/1668296851097878529
Im on the Job
I want to go to this thing but it would be a long road home but i could also go to the ball game that night but it would be with friends and when i am among the peanuts and cracker jacks i like to keep the score no cheers and hips and hoorays
Mullet Vitality
Forcing my girlfriend to watch yo gabba coachella party in my tummy screenshare facetime captive audience
Are there any interesting transplants in brooklyn I would guess Not personally
Its a parade inside my cityyy
17th not 16th
Small sample size but on wikipedia 19th century established towns all have informal land acknowledgements while 18th century ones do not and 16th century ones do but not in the same manner as it is necessary information , its at the end instead of the start
Im probably not going 2 see the Barbie movie but I am going to go see the new mission impossible
Does the brain do the work or is it Your Surroundings ?
Spatial computing is such a terrible name because its wrong the computation is being done in the doodad sitting on your head not in the space where the windows are rendered But they did it becausw marketing
Nownon the other end its all over and the matching bookend is soon approaching
Before i left for collegemy friends who hadntnleft yet came to send me off and i had a football to return to be passed off to another friend but we all stood on my street tossing around the ball perhaps for a little too long then i got into the car and put on my heart by emersons
Amerika is Roanoke is CROATOAN they were the first ones
I think to be a real American the rite of passage is to slip through the fingers of the big cults ... NewVictorianism being one of them ... only then can you be embraced by the Land
U cant see the NewVictorians with clear eyes until you spend time Elsewhere ....
I actually ended up getting it right
Need 2 rewatch Paterson
Who posted the 3 books that they really liked recently im sure i saw one in a box on the street just now the cover was a shade of purple
Yes I bought this meat on Forbidden sale but i should have bought the ground stuff I could not resist temptation
Screwed up one of the gf's presents its ok tho she'll like it but if only i just measured instead of taking the 50/50 coinflip and picking the one with the better outcome if I lost which i did
In the City the uncouth champion the subways and the metros and the undergrounds .... the spiritual gentry of today ride the Bus
this is Bc ppl who work on those shows covet Their role instead of the product and pursuit of it its not binary obviously but it sways one way when everyone wants to B a rockstar the music suffers ...
Nothing In TV is above 1.5-2x speed movies r a different story i think soaps and reality tv shows hv more a higher lvl of craft and intention nd reddeeiming qualityies yhan the average streaming or cable or network series and even those benefit from faster speeds
Evryday its liveleak on here im Not 14 anymore ..
Im Winning fantasy Football this week
Hawk Tuah Spit aom That Thang 😭😭🤯🤯🤯🤯😭😨😱😱🫢🫢🤣🤣 Bobbi Althoff Parlay ; We Bring the Boom , thats whaywedo we bring
Im Voting for both main candidates then A third time to write myself in Because ai Love Everyone including ymself , These are three Separate ballots in 3 states
I hv nothing to Prove to anyone i just sip hot Water these days
Iam Jack Sparrow Iam Rachel Dolezal iAm Danielle Bregooioli iam HaileyWelch Iam Mike Lindell Iam OJ Ismpson
theres this One scene in the tvplay adaptation of PIRANDELLO Six Charactersim Search of an Author that is so Real when i watched it My jaw was ontje floor ..
Vengeance 2022 BJNOVAK is nothing Crazy but itis selfaware or maybe not Based on what ubbelieve to be going on between the ears, either he is an Ithakan underside a Sheep or a prescient sheep , ithink the former but thays just me , searing hot searing Images and words 👍👍👍👍
I keep Having these strange Dreams where people tell me aboutSomething unfamilair but Believable so Idecide to goresesrch it but before I do i wake up nd forget what it Was at all , it happens a lot
Did nyone ever watch VGHS or MyMusic on Youtube
Ive onlyevr been to chicagoin cold weather so iget a chill everytime i thi k of it
I told My girlfriend id apply to jobs tonight
Why Do i accidentally jnow everyothee person On here
It's Time to play the Game ..
I was listening 2 Wwe music this morning Really loud and pacing back inforth in my house this morning During working hours its True
If I learned Mandarine Chinese i would be Unstoppable sometimes when I am feeling extraconfident i thinkican do it on the spot in the moment
In My minds stage i am doingcrazy things
I just TappedIn™️
Do these bookhaulers read all the books that they post seemingly too often
Would be nice to be a kid running through the park sprinklers they dont know how good they have it nevermind the slipnslide
aeons..acquiescence in..instead..in of..of our race destiny:..dividual resistance
Aeons of acquiescence in race destiny, instead of our individual resistance.
I ate 2 many fruit snacks
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger
Why in our hearts do we give refuge to the refuse ? Red recalled in a contraction and repaired for momentary expansion to the boundaries replenishment in return
Many tears for Ari
Its a me problem i dont really have self control
Time 4 a break for me from coffee
Coffee had no benefits only perpetual unease and dehydration
Its in my likes
But i dont wanna ask
Can anyone tell me what movie that is its gonna drive me nuts
I only wanted to be a painter never a storyteller thats the issue
The road must have been so smooth those first few years of the InterstateSystem
Should i go see deadharrie once or twice
I peaked as an artist when i was 10 and 11 when i was an unpaid touring professional musician I was on an Arena Tour and played for thousands and thousands
Constantly trimming my hair
I hope i dont get food poisoning i just ate 2 sausages that i made that might have been undercooked
the ren fair ?... i was en route to the Village Idiot convention in Minsk https://twitter.com/DojoWarVeteran/status/1660719624701222927
There's this greybeardboomer on tok and he makes these zany sandwiches inspired by dagwood from the blondie strips in the funnies I always used too look forward to the weekend because then the funnies would be printed in color
Vince mcmahon pt barnum
One day youre young you stop playing sports then you blink and its been a couple years and you try to give it a go and hit the bag a couple times but now youre sorer than you remember and you pull a muscle and later in the day your joints hurt and you
Is it as simple as the whole true crime obsession stuff
Princess diana worship i get because she's a proxy for the commoner fantasy but sharon tate i do not at all
Somebodys gotta know the Lore to TelltheTale
It Doesnt have to be a badthing either .....
MusicNerd is a misnomer these ppl are GEEKS
instead of number3 i opted for a bpbr and I Tapped In
Manwhore test a la incel-kaczynski :: can he spell sevigny without error
Cloaks and Robes will be in 4 2024 stock up on fibulae and brooches now before its too late
the Writers Guilds are overplaying their hand here they have Zero leverage
2 much cofffee srry
You can point at everyone with their heads in the sand to the expanse of the desert or you can take whats in their pockets or you can walk away
What happens if storage continues to keep pace w Moore and suddenly you can package the entire Disney or whatever catalogue on a thumb drive They'll figure out a way to screw people but curious situation since >4k res is pointless 4 human eye so files wont be getting any bigger
In Twin Peaks theres a scene where James is closing his eyes while riding his motorcycle on the open road its so good but i cant place what episode it was in
My breath of the wild save file got lost so tragic
I just threw $583 in Kohls Cash in the Air
[zzzZ] XxPosed -> I'm Gone + birdsong acc My windows are open
I plugged in my USB and Drained the TV
omnia hominis greges sunt; heed
I divine that I must make a pilgrimage
I have had another dream of the Lakeside city to the far north ... the last outpost before the tundra's grasp
Sometimes i like to play a song and sing along
Plus theres still a few guys i follow on Tok that are oldtime hobos riding freight trains That lifestyle is still alive ...
I only speak of these things because they are fresh on my mind
There are Deeper things at play ... The Tourism and FoodService economy stifle the Man who Eats the can of Garbanzo beans at the roadside stop over a makeshift fire . now we stop at McDo and we stay at the hotel with private bathrooms , gone are the dormitories of old .stillwant?
I was on Amtrak on Tuesday it sucked .... Greyhound is the Way to go and what KB wants deep down , the old Slow Bus to nowhere; Passenger Rail is not the way of the Hobo he is a Stowaway, hoborail is not something of Leisure or Comfort, theres also the WomanComponent but i ... https://twitter.com/wydna00/status/1657030845259980806
I am the Old Man; I am the Sea
I wonder how much of a role the university plays in keeping many small forgotten cities alive
Any advice for buying a (used duh) car friends ....?.... never had one and trying to gauge whether its worth it rn
Mets are slumping but on paper theres a lot to like in the lineup except for pitching but that went out the window when Diaz went down
When you commit yourself wholeheartedly to the backcatalogs of yore, in that moment, you are dated, what a terrible thing, but what of the instant of the camerashutter, if not for this moment if not for this thing, we would be without the Photo, and I say it is better to be with
I have no horse in this race im just wondering
Can you be a good person and an ambitious content creator simultaneously
In the bowside dining car also serving as seating for the crew onboard, it hosts a cast of curious characters
Buckle in
The adobe abode
I am packing for my trainride tomorrow how does 5 peanut butter and strawberry jam on some whole wheat pitas and 2 overpriced oatgranola bars mint chip flavor is this enough? 11hrz
But how can I write anything if i know nothing of noone
I check letterboxd before i watch a movie to see if the karstenguy or matt lynchguy or any of the other usual suspects are in the popular reviews if they are i know i need to keep digging it can always be weirder or more obscure but not for the sake of it I am just a frontiersman
I was rooting for england in 2018 because it's coming home the song is so real
I want to make more oldguyfriemds
We are so back
Bell Truckman is blasting Final Countdown at the red light
These pop corn wiseguys are breathing down my neck im out 1 grand and ive another 700 down on the plaastic and 200 to the taximan but hear me out its all even unclesam has 500 of mine and some other sucker has 400 then i have 1 grand that got stuck in the cogs- do u c wht i mean?
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
I know you, stranger
Quick 123 punch
It's over ?.... no....no... We've necer been more back
I hit my head now i have a concussionerino
I was in Atlantis 13y ago and they AirLifted a manta ray out from the tanks back to the ocean into the sunset It was surreal I had a perfect view https://twitter.com/creepydotorg/status/1651886432284229633
They thought the Kid was down for 9 counts but hey Lucky number 10 he's up and Adam--this Castor, this Pollux, the Golden Apple rings and he's back on Sinai and he's annointed under the lights breaking through the rafters The cornerman is asking is he Cain or Abel tonight
Is it too early to Tap In?
The ed(1) workflow
My mom played You never even called me by name david allan coe at Easter n my cousins who r into the luke bryans n morgan wallenz of the world were like Wtf is this skip this please
Prestige TV and Honors College two peas in a pod
Wish I made more money on crypto I wouldve bought my dad a Sailboat
God is waiting for me in the Keys
I just did a drug pee test n flushed the toilet by accident when i wasnt sposed to will i need to go back n retake
What is a bird's nest in the tree's branches but a stylite's perch on his desert stylos?
myth of Consumer choice is contrary to Consumer habit --- is it still Choice when Habit is to choose what the Jones have ? Ç'est à dire the Gravitational Pull of the Social Clan too is subject to centralization-inertia
Non car transportation is gonna get really spotty in the next few yrs i think i may look into buying a car
I dont live in lala land n i never have
Benadryl n sudafed pollenspeedball
A cat chewed through my earbuds now its just me and the words on the page for this longlong ride
Cornhole is the patrician sport
Alls Im asking is if Youd let me have this Dance
They Asked me why i download songs anddont just Save Offline on there it was a J.Phoenix Joker You Wouldnt Get It moment
I havent had spotify long enough to get discover weekly so im speedrunning the builtin discovery boulevards n avenews n kanals ... this is not a Resume Skill but I am a machine when it comes 2 this type of thing
Listen I get stripping CC of his holiday but do we need to defame him I'm not saying he has to be deified either
I woke up on the Pinto or was it the Santa Maria
Strong urge to go on Live to twlk about the islanders maybe ill call into WFAN
Thus the Vulture spoke to the Man in need of a Samaritan: "Fear not, for I am a bird of many Talons"
Title of my forthcoming Western
Me and the Injunmann
Ideally we would tar and feather the xkcd guy
I only want 2 write words for me and also words for computers and listen to music .... rn at least
Nobody is folding up foreign Powder in newspapers and loose scraps any more we've become Plastic
I think i like Furniture most
I read bits n pieces its embarrassingly bad nevermind largely Wrong https://twitter.com/ghostofchristo1/status/1649821631974449160
Idk what i did in my past life to deserve allergies and its a rainy day too whyis it like this
Canes r a team of big time Pussies
Something happened in the last 20y where ShoppingMalls migrated to VacationDestinations and left behind empty husks everywhere ...
I am Right because my toes are in the sandbar and I shimmy as the wave comes and excuse myself Please do pardon me, sorry sir , sorry madam, but I have seen the gap in the queue and I must pass
I draped my white flag over the strudlhof steps i returned it to the library halffinished
Logo n kb are a funny sideshow bc sometimes you'll read something nd be like wow so true and other times youll be like what r u evn saying But its all in good fun bc they r not a main attraction nymore the arenatours are distant memories now they play local divebar circuits yknow
Does the shepherd issue the edict to his herd by way of speech , by way of sculpture , by way of flyer , by way of film ?
Thid was me when the Islanders won Earlier
Whats up twitter world
The lights dont work in this bathroom so in one hand i hold a flashlight
Imiss youngkingdave
Out here in Amish smoking Big Doinks in Amish
2 restless 2 read lately so I am ordering ceasefire on all fronts effective immediately
I dont hurt beings though or objects either
I read The Conformist in my first semester and i was like Damn Is He Me
There are these stupid shoes that are all the rage now
All of those suburbs r soulcrushing refrains hold no water nymore now that internet is at criticalmass which is why we r not really subjected to that nonsense now U can be a Weirdo and nobody has to know or see and U dont have 2 leave yr house
They put the 5G unit up on my streetlightpole It's Over
Going to Manaus and Cairo to see what the waters will tell me
That Christian Bale skinnythought thinf is so True and real i used to be sickly and could read all day am fatter nd dull Also it matches Philetas of Cos whosw slight frame Was attributed to his dedication to learning But this flips it nd turns it into his Secret Weapon
Also i would say tht self-image skewz towards start of a grouping nd the lines blur its just thay theze are where the bulk begin and bulk end
18-29 is a bad Grouping and what you Need to understand is 14-22 and 23-32 is more cohesive and correct in 2024 and 2018 and 2013 ;;; you can only know If u spent time outside of itnlike i did i hate to b vain but its True, i look at my peers nd this is what i see b4 was 1950s
Does Anyone want to Go to Ushuia with Me
Can You believe it? They hanged my Friend nd a couple Others, thru gill and lips onebyone strung some Jesus or Dysmas-Gestas nearby the River Queen andother Steamboat proprietors and The riffrabble; I only Just saw him by the Banks yesterday , Soon he'll wear Tomorrows news
At atimes I am likea caged Animal thinkingof the Flophouse,
2 many Linkedjn posts Here
I'm Losing in fantasyfoootball this week Its Over
There r interestjng ppl scattered across strata somtkmes U hv to coax it out , for others itis laid bare ; the worst is those Whutake follow an interestingn calling but are Let down by their vanity, their vulgarity , their humanity , but it is all the aame that it ever was n wilb
When U stro - scroll Into the town squares it is Tragic 2 see the same faces Doing the same characters nd bits but Who is a regular or isit eternal september is it more orless noblethan their Material counterparts It's not for me to say
Neither is Good or Bad the only goodis finding a middle whoch is rlly 2be outside the spectrumbut that takes a Mystic
Junkie/Prude is my goto Lens rn
does TaylorSwidt fill the Mavelgap insteadof a new Avengersthey get a new Tour ot Album
I decided were back
2156 its that year , it is , and the Principality of East Williamsburg has incorporated the hamlet of Montauk , completing the capture of the town of East Hampton and the East End nd all land East of Williamsburg .. The final holdouts Have been rounded up and Await the Gallows
Jerome Powell told me Personally that the Federal Reserve will be doubling the Rates
They asked me to Yearn with them
Mom come pick me up the Kids at this Party are trying to Spark Joy
https://bilders.bandcamp.com/album/split-seconds Give this a Listen
I just Found Out about Sally Rooney
If alonso plays all 162 he'll go for 70hr
Its nice out so i broke out the dots n loops
"Heal me."
How can you make somehing Meaningful and Good if you are unaware of what is Possible ? Or is enough to just Create ? Does it matter at all
I would also label myself UnderExposed at least in some disciplines
There is a lot of enthusiasm in multitude of beatmakers but I get the sense that so many are underexposed to other Art at least anecdotally , whether that is a good thing in that they have yet to be Set inside a Mold , or a bad thing in that they have no Muses is what i dont know
While I prefer the lush and developed Greens of midsummer the unsure and splotchy Greeens of early spring are also pleasant
I want to go hang out outside but allergies and also there are branches down everywhere in every park from the storm
Im still haunted by this guy i saw innthe park a couple years ago if you saw it thru my eyes you'd swear he was One with the Ground too
Now we're shuffling watch this riffle listen to that whirr
Dreams of the Open Road
The cards have fallen and now its nigh time to pick up the pieces
One day ill find something that doesnt turn out to be a social club under the guise of an activity or interest or maybe i just need to climb up on some stylos and thats where i'll find what i'm looking for .... dont get me wrong i like making friends though
You cant stay dancing at the ball all night some people leave and never come back some people stay until the lights come on then sit on the curb watching first light and some people (me)
Then the bass comes in
This is true only for x200/x220/x230 https://twitter.com/Calibaneur/status/1646675651460575235
Apparently people feel that no one knows how to dress themselves on a warm spring day i cant relate i wear the same things all year more or less
And you and your autumn sweater
Why do people want things Broken Down for them
Couple big things ending today wish they didnt overlap its a bit overwhelming
End of an era today
My hair always looks best the day after washing not a great motivator to shower i want to shave my head again but my gf likes my mullet
Today i would probably say Ferry Captain im gonna start working on sailing certifications this summer
When they asked us when i was like 8 what we wanted as a job i never knew how anyone had an answer for that
This is a relly good song
My favorite part of having the Fat City opening as mp3 is as the song finishes you can hear Ernie-JeffBridges hitting the punching bag and Billy-StacyKeach walking into the YMCA
Theres this one guy on the lobsters forum which is just a smaller and closed off hackernews but anyway this guy somehow no matter the topic of discussion manages to relate it to his hobby-passion project its so funny to me
I think the Masters is cool because they get the Green Jacket its like the hall of fame but no one can tell u that u didnt earn it
That columbo account convinced me to start watching columbo
I'm at the bank teller counter and hes chiding me hes calling me a rich man i say i dont know about all that as i reach into my jacket pocket i've a couple rolls of nickels and dimes for the man well its really for my account but he's the middleman and i'm unwrapping the lollipop
Sometimes I'm another Link in the Chain, sometimes im an Alien
I think it is a combination of people liking the idea of krispy kreme more than the actual donut and also how repulsive the interiors of DD has been for 20 years they are ahead of the fastfood soulless curve on that end for sure
Id like to , as they say now , speak my truth for a moment if youd let me: dunkin makes good donuts and they are better than their chain competitors and a lot better
They are playing Birdsong at the restaurant , it is crowded but everyone is eating in Silence
I'm Looking and I'm Dreaming for the First Time I'm Inside and I'm Outside at the Same time
Walked by the bookstore n they had what I was Looking 4 but I didnt have any CASH .... gonna head back over soon hope some other Shmuck isnt making it with My little Lady
Spoiled children soon to fall
One day i will wake up likely after an afternoon nap on a strange couch in a strange room in a house that i have never been to ; strange faces will touch me ,who are these people, and i will run out the door without looking back
I want to buy a basic cell phone and im gonna go thru w it this time except ill have it coexist with the smart one
2 tickets for the Barbie movie please ! no that won't do i slick back my hair again and tell the me in the looking glass to take it from the top
My dad randomly has that Jimmy Buff book that everyone was hot on a few months back .... picked it up and started it and its wonderful
Jacket open zipped at bottom both hands in back pockets in need of a cig
I saw the Quebecois Mid Smoker on the strreet
I was so sad wgen i was looking up clips frkm it on youtube and itt was the thumbnail of a "most depressing movies ever" video essay with 3m views
Love liza dvd came in 🗣️🗣️
You ever looked at those big bugs in the dinosaur books n wondered
Id rather forget ab smth then rediscover it sometime in the future than meticulpusly keep trak of evry little detail
Vinland saga s2 op2 x))
Sorry i like swim city better
My mom likes the movie too shes so real for that
I like the joker movie dont tell anyone
Do u ever listen to a song and your perception of the tempo changes mid song like it will speed up or slow down
Brick Nermon did the Liver King Roids reveal way way before him
On Capri the stagehands for the Tourist's Dream on Stage sit at the tables outside the cafe at 4 in the morning and make Ready the day
People dont want apps
Not impressed by your tiktok screencap Are You Sure this is where you want to be ?
Idk how i avoided reading dfw i used to watch all his interviews and recorded momentd on youtube a few yrs ago
I dont like april fools day
Whats up hope everyones week was nice n easy
.... Spanish Moss and string cheese in my hair Wild caballos and them Men on the Bayou Never thought to say who are ya ......
You dont really want Adventure and other Gallant Fantasies
Bodysurfing but i dont have my contacts in I cant see a Damn Thing out here
You can go tell all the Habadasheries in Havana that theyll be Hearing from me
Shooting for some cross between Huston and Hemingway
I really try to help people out w what connections i do have relevant tk them but it always seems like they dont really care and they never take me up on it
Bob n the Boss lately
agi mania is no fun bc unlike covid crypto or even 2017 crypto you can only make money from VCs the avg joe is doing sports betting now and will be for forseeable future....So all you can do is post about it online unless you make a startup ....
the website is ready lmk if you want me to link to yours ...
Reupped the CC for a month to watch B.Alexanderplatz love it so far
Going 2 try2 pick up some portuguese over the next few months
He visto en mis sueños
if we are in a moment of populus centralization and the tide coming in let me be left on the shore in the boonies ; i want to be one of the sundries, i want to feel the sun and the sand
Im jealous of my grandpa growing up on a long island still rural ; if you watch alice in the cities the area around shea stadium showed remnants of a more pastoral queens and there are still some houses of a time long gone near the world's fair today , no more fishing villages
Latex gloves and a cigarette
That one part at 1m30 is the homerun of all homeruns
I think greta marked a turning point not in that there will be more like her to come but rather that she was the last
Its not gonna slow down until the end i guess
Never understood the appeal for wikipedia rabbit holes either while im on this subject
I dont understand the whole asmr stimulation thing esp the latest subway surfer family guy ones
I'm gonna hit the hay
Just sold out im sorry
Im giving you a coloring book and its up to you to fill it in as you see fit
I gained 5lbs which makes sense bc i started eating out again
the radio croons so sweet and kind as i cut some melon from the rind : sunny morning honeydew
Falling in love w lana again 10y later
dont spare me the details, speak en plein air; all i wish to know is if you ev'r cared!
beside the willow where once rested a spade; bedside longing for times pass'd where my lover's laid
corners of water lilies darkened by shade; duckweed steeples piercing heavens, ever-sway'd
A candy colored clown they call the sandman
the apple followed the bite : what is named in the collective conscious can be forgotten and reclaimed by Nature , just as the ivies and mosses and vines and weeds do to the ghost town, then come the field mice and the foxes and the robins and the hawks and eden winks but briefly
Why did we start saying flight attendant instead of just steward
Mysteries of Love - Julee Cruise
We must do the Dance and pretend we are serious because what would it do to the Ego if we all admitted that We Were just doing it for Capital F Fun and that we are not the RevolutionarySubjext, we are not the MoldersOfClay ; oh, oh, caress me, I just had the worst nightmare
Everything makes sense when I can peer into your brain just a peek all of your actions everything all of it
how I use AI to Boost My Produxtivity Stack ; how I use ScatGPT to Summarize All 12 volumes of Atomic Habits and Automatically Export it into my Anki and Populate my Zettelkasten ;; You Must perform a mental Physiognomy Check and inspect the Letterboxd Top4 of any Negative review
Good Tweak sesh 👍👍👍
A pairing https://music.apple.com/us/album/opening/1550806216?i=1550806217
I Met The Mid Smoker ... And Lived To Tell The Tale tshirt
The dads yearn for the grill
Does the oceansurfer long for a lull in the midst of a set ; does the sick man dream of days once well ?
Literally at the finish line and i cant get myself to cross it its just homework and not hard stuff
All u need 2 know is im fucking up rlly badly rn making it hard on myself when i just need to sit down and do the thing i need to do
Just lost my morning i really needed it
and what -----about the drinks of doubt or---springs in drought; trickles of trout or---smiling pouts; best of bouts -----when you're down and out?
Who am i in your Mind'sEye ?
I really teeter on the edge of being corny dont i
It is telling that those who whine about prohibitative academic language, while not unfounded, also demand Compensation For Art ; Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's
Patti was a looker. Donna and Sheila were only medium-pretty.
I just wrote my finest letterboxd review to date--will my friends see it? oh please like it, please, please, like me
I cant even procrastinate right
Cant seem to get over this final hump
Somedays I wakeUp and i want to sell everything thatcant fit in a bindle otherdays i want to have it Buried with me
They will Sneer but if only they Knew
a group of others circled Up, maybe discussing or taking questions , maybe 20people in total all in all, I just was wondering how they would Cross, does someone have a car that they ferry people over to the border a hands worth of fingers at a time or Were they waiting for newbus
I was on the Greyhound again And we stopped at a different plattsburgh stop this time , side of the road not the gas stationlot like ysual, handful of South Asian people gotoff some2 join others sitting on the hillside with Documentation in hand, there was a ringleader talking to
Arthoe the label is about the Image not the substance ,, part of a broader trend , everything is Facade ; nevermind it is meanspirited but I will not get into that Do you Look like you would be into that or are U actually into it , no they Are watchingreading the Run of the Mill
So all the options rlly do suck im just gonna roll my own for non-photo files
This is our Colts , this is our Team ..
https://open.spotify.com/track/68SC3wbUmT18mVXLOu0RIc?si=VGGo_DvPQ-CB7hV6TSkIKA Foid …
Next project is to setup RAIDn nd hopefully rsynced to and selfencrypted cloud storage all of the Providers suck either U pay for something consumer and its 100/200GB or its 2TB+ there is no inbetween Or u go the object storage route and u need to pay for everylittle actuon
They want you for your nutrients and lifeforce , its natural Law thats just how it is , the Hare lives , they need it and So do you , be Wary
the Railroad only comes through town when They know there is water , dont garnish your Well-Spring
U need To reject selfimage and hide in plain sight You need to have no conception of the Mirrored image , this is What is required these days
or Is everyone siloed into Spotify Discover Weeklies and tiktok sounds , that can't be everyone Can it , right? I was active on a small forum until a couple yrs ago that had some people who knew whats what but everyojes getting older .. id ask my youngerkin but they arnt the type
Is there a space for young people to go and talk interesting music now ? Is there interesting new music out now how it was before Im sure there is ; i imagine that everything happens in discord servers and instagram pages , the latter i know from a friend who hasnt fixated retro
Much like the Big Baddies of Yore ,, we can pinch the armies of adderall-saddled (and thus addled) in the fields of Professional Glory but we will require a MeatMachine ;;;; Total Victory Unconditional Surrender , yes, yes levy the idemnities for we have been Wronged ! Achtung !!
What if i made a movie and it had multiple title sequences but with different names
Im seeing the shadowbugs again
Iteration 2 haircut im looking like a medieval squire rn 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 may need round3 tmrw to clean up around my temples
let him [english muffin] nook
Once i saw julian casablancas hair in the blood orange augustine music video when it came out that was a turning point but rn i have a lego minifigure haircut
What do u thibk i should get at the grocery store
I like this more than the studio one
Underworld https://biblioklept.org/2013/02/05/name-the-parts-a-scene-from-delillos-underworld/
Im gonna start incorporating old english into my writing this is my new goal for 2023 and maybe 24
You must resist tapping the sign ;:;:: do not show me a dril tweet you have saved for this occasion! look upon thyself, dopamine fiend , was it worth it in the end??
The Christian Nondenominational Service at the Nexus of Travel Will Begin Shortly
Its just like Cars the movie https://twitter.com/oldroadside/status/1637448670940413957
I told myself i wouldnt buy any more books but yesterday I found myself in a bookstore and I was weak , thankfully they only had one i wanted to own
We were Fated to cross paths ... we had an elevator conversation then today I ran into him at a restaurant .....
Our claymolders are reading blogposts and watching videoessays and listening to podcasts and we wonder why saas is grass
I ate an uncrustable and it got all over my beautiful sweater
The juice doesnt help me poast im just balling doodle jump
The Midwest is interesting .....
I see a man and though he is not dressed the part he has the physique and gait of a 1930s reporter he is Tall and Lanky, say, fellow, could I use a match of yours, see
lady in the convenience store taking landscape video of the array of water bottles ;;;; man combing through a magazine with neon yellow highlighter in hand
The reels feed is coming along slowly its harder bc there are more "meme pages" than posters but im getting there
So the one i bought has WILSON engraved into the back i took it as a sign now its in the hands of the mailman
I feel that it's sadder when you are unraveling it line by line like jesus dude
translating Catullus 8 T-T
Then I freaked it
4.82 will be your change thanks for shopping with us today you have a nice evening alright
Im buying a portable word processor one upping the guy around the corner who likes to sit on his streetside balcony with the typewriter
Xtra strong screwdriver its all i had
Linkedin-lingo limbo
Poor choice to eat out rather than wait til i get home
Et tu brute
I dont like the Rodgers move if it happens they should have gone all in on Lamar Jackson
Letterboxd is run by evil people
No John Maus dont go inside the Capitol Building noo !!!!!!!
Tarot is crazy wtf
I almost slipped up
Wolverine holding picture frame Mike White
I went to a mac demarco show in a small venue in my dreams last night then we hung out after the show but I didn't have much to say to him and vice versa
I cant believe i was such a pta hater in the past
Can i be ur muse
The doodle jump monsters are scary for no reason
Making use of interior coat pockets more
See me in doodle jump
I just want a plug in tv pacman game why are people charging so much its worth $5 at most
In the next coming of Quetzalcoatl He'll look like Goku
You ever see your friends posting on Linkedin and you're like Damn
Manic Episode :::: I was Stepping out of The House looking Like Tony Dock
Told the Outside Cigarette Crew i was a γραμματικός and They just did the Flouride Stare
New Father Liking Loli Anime Catgirl Bot Account Tweet ; Crazy
I didnt go play the Big Buck Hunter machine but I really should have I Felt the Pull
Going to eat ice cream bc craving it but its a bad idea im teetering on the edge of sleep
I need a Wayne Chrebet jersey
Strange jeans hang on my upstairs neighbors balcony railing
Second language curricula is awful they dont have a clue across the board but it's ok now that almost everyone has a pocket translator
I think my hair is in a good place right now but seeing Mads Mikkelsen in Pusher trilogy I think made me lean towards shaving it again
My giants are not windmills
I could run a sub5 40yd dash rn i still got it
stop the count !!!!!
I tried to be 5 min late to something the other day and i was still 1 min early
One day i woke up and became mr.punctual
I left 30 minutes earlier than i needed to by accident
Why are you looking for a needle in yhe haystaxk in the first place
We should have never let him cook
Heres a nice tune as penance forgive me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=71yWdj0kU1s
Ok thats enough nonsense sorry it wont happen again at least for a couple months
They cant even see this but I am projecting bad energy at the amtrak hq and the office of the secretary of the department of transportation Or maybe they can see it because twitter gives federal governments viewing privileges to all private accounts in the name of natsec
Amtrak reopen the montreal-new york line or else
Where Will You Be When Mr Beast Crosses The Potomac With His Army ?
Caesar https://twitter.com/toomuchistrue/status/1633628297882992640
Im over artifice, let the vines and mosses cover me and be one ;;; eden take me back !
I wish i saw the Kiss Land tour live
Today I can see the forest for the trees, I gaze upon their roots, criss-crossed along the underbrush underfoot I mind every step; each rep consecrating the trail upon which I tread, crunching twigs ever frail
i did not heed tay zonday's word so please excuse the breathing into the mic
let me dreammmmm of paris
I cant figure out what the source of this is i thought it was the vape i bought but no dice feeling it again with a drinks only night ... unfortunate if this is it gotta tough it out a lil longer
Whenever i wear a cuffed long sleeve tee shirt underneath this sweater the left sleeve is always in the most uncomfortable position
Somebodys heine is crowding my icebox >:(
Need floor oriented furniture
What if i want to see the ass movie from idiocracy mike judge huh what are you gonna do about it
week old prepared tahini in the fridge
This Sad! U Can See His Pain Former NBA Player And # 1 Draft Pick Greg Oden Who Was Injured Early In His Career Gets Reminded His Dream Job Is Over!
never had any issues with twitter these ppl must be imagining it
I think people like labels more than whatever is being labeled
Movie where its people just getting totally soaked in the rain
1 of 1 day today
sunshine, widened great-big smiles, splayed out fingers clasping branches thanks for sitting in on this session my captive reader
evergreens, unseen air-filled laughter, rustling shingles stirring rafters fixed to fit the original structure maybe i need another stanza
trying to capture the sound of that moment
evergreens, unseen air-filled laughter bounces off the shingles and the rafters my latest crack at it but it still isnt right
I just write what i see
The piano got moved to my room i guess thats a sign I was gonna pick the bass back up but I listen to the wind and the tides and the currents
Oh boy i found something good
>They havent seen the RMS feet pics
There goes that walkin man they'll say
World is too small i need to hop on a bus out to the middle of nowhere until nobody knows my name then i can walk unburdened once more and ill walk because there's no running from it
What are some healthy things i can obsessively search for i cant break this habit so might as well direct it towards something useful maybe
Then i'll stop bothering you people here
Im gonna start working on my a.w. Website where i will host my writings
The best part is at 1:10 when the kick and bassline come in at the same time
I move so gracefully and silently and quickly you wouldnt believe it even if u saw
Greybeard carving out a crisp telemark turn on a bluebird day ;; '72 Dead in the carpark airspace : an ode to the boomer
4 o clock and its time for the changing of the guards ... blue buddy joins me for the ride over
And you bet your ass i'll be keeping score
I want to go to grapefruit league spring training to see the mets next yr idk how yet but ill figure it out
Palindrome day 🫢🫢🫢🫢
the issue with capitalism is that all the focus goes to the capital wheres the love for the other towns and cities and villages who decided that these are the capitals in the first place why should we listen to them
Butternut squash soup
Reels Are My Nicorette
Trade winds surround me In the skyi I glide soundly Lift my wingsn Never ground me
Same for cigs that one was worse it was day 2 But it was two solidarity drags and that's been it
Slipped up on tiktok once but going to stick that one out until the end
I failed lent if you couldnt tell
I havent been able to work out how i can fit the second stanza into the strucure of the first
dewdrops, romping, barefoot baby, dampen blue jeans new Old Navy joyous laughter careens and mingles, unseen, amongst rustling green rafters and shingles
Im giving up social media for lent so if u dont see me on here for a while thats why
The chili was really good and i was able to keep my cool after messing up and salvage it what happened was that i bought canned whole tomatoes instead of diced then tossed them in without dicing so at the end i fished em out and the chipotles too and cut them up then
Diner breakfast for dinner
decide for me pls
Yeah im over winter officially
Forever born, forever strewn; tonight the moon stands ever still, although you wish a ray of sun to bask upon the windowsill.
If you post a blocked screenshot know I am looking into my screen and through yours with disappointment But i forgive you
After smoking for a while ive become nose blind to cigarettes but with weed i became more sensitive interesting
The best microplastixs were the tiny bead face exfoliators its a shame they banned them they were worth the harm
Lots of Malaise lately
Going 2 start up a DooWop outfit I dont have the pipes 2be the lead tho But i can write the melodies nd lyrics nd harmonize Lke mobkdys business …
Heartburn nd reclining
is Anyone else goimg 2 the Annual Village Idiots’ Convention inzMinsk next wk
Ive been Tweeting on the Apple iOS Journal App its my nicorette
Woke Up with my contacts in today ..
Back in the day ppl used 2 just be Cold nd that was that
then it all Boils down to desire to not actually be Free (bored) but to just fill the gaps in a perceivedhealthy way, Reading , thus the ereader obsession , and reading anything pafkaged in book-format , just as Productivity achieves nothing material ; the venndiagram is a circle
going 2 write Something long-form about the ProduktivitySphere-takeoveror of or maybe pivot to is a better descriptor , the dumbphone bridged by the Digital Minimalism selfhelp book ; or maybe i have conveyed my thoughtd thru this blurb .. corearg is if U look closely , realclose
Special Considerations, Special Dispensations
What if I bought a home karaoke system would my upstairs neighbors be mad at me i have the hank williams 40 greatest hits compilation album queued up and im going to sing it all uninterrupted they wouldnt be that mad right
I wanted to be known and recognized amongst friends and not strangers ;
Post quality is going up now that i realized i can yt-dlp on my phone
In my creature era
The duplex doctor's office-Subway is no longer a doctors office or a Subway
Older voice told me a while ago of the changing of the buard ,,,, that owners and names arrive and recede away like the tides but like the beach the spots remain in place ,,, social scenes are no different -- although the waves change by the day and some only a lull to show for !
I cut into my finger by accident while slicing sauages over a pan some of the blood dripped onto the sausages
Jolly mood its warm out
Maybe someone will hire me who knows
Nacho libre is the crown jewel of the mid budget 2000s american comedy
Communing with the honky tonk angels over coffee
Serving 11 life sentences for posting cringe im hoping ill get parole one day
My great grandpa lost his leg because of his time in the service so he stayed home while my great grandma worked my mom speaks fondly of the time they spent together watching soap operas
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me
Where did the time go ...
How did james brown do it
Did they do away with ronald mcdonald
Honestly they read a little like my tweets : "I need not acquaint that I had Been Sick all moast Ever sence I saw you as I am sure you allready no It Nor would I solicit a favor wich Is so hard to obtain were It not for the Last time Yes Sir Rest assuirred I will never ask ... "
In the ron chernow hamilton book which isnt that great he cites hamilton talking about his illiterate mistress' letters to him he calls her a "scribbler" in an endearing way her writing was truly bad there are excerpts in the book but i love that so mucb
all for naught ... computer computer went out with a sputter, well not quite, but i'm consigned to the backup sauronbook for the forseeable future and i try to keep as much away from his evil eye so we're back on the phone
since i have my memo pad now i deleted twitter on my phone so if you see less likes from me thats why also maybe the quality of my poems may go up because on here i more or less just compose on the spot when i have an idea and leave it at that ::::::: i got a fancy memo pad too
reporting good progress on the puzzle im doing rn
I'm a maniacal giggler so i guess it evens out
My upstairs neighbor loves to stomp walk
Finally got a memo pad
Why did the bengals go for the deep pass on 3rd and 3
Yes woman as an object of sexual desire but have you considered man as an object of home decoration ; he who can be eames lounge chair and ottoman, he who can be frigidaire. or is he foyer !
Im doing a puzzle i got from someone else and theres a lot of strands of hair in it im kinda grossed out
Even if you do nothing but evil you will have done something good in returning your body to the earth
If only 10 people are needed to be convinced to do anything significant what does that mean for the rest of us
i make myself a bed of pine needles to wait out the winter underneath the evergreens sitting awaiting spring ; if i were to speak ever so sweetly and softly would you
Franz biberkopf thats twin
Im beside myself i just ripped the pocket of a great pair pajama pants while sitting down in a chair it got caught on the arm
Oats are on the up and up ice spice is enlightening the masses about the virtues of gruel
I could open a boutique health conscious snack and packaged food store and have it succeed im really knowledgeable on whats good theres a market for it though a storefront would be riskier than just a warehouse and a website to facilitate deliveries
Where do you draw the line between misusing a word or idiom and semantic drift
Trxfact never followd me back on instagram idt he knew who i was
No free qa
How does he do it
do you have any hoobies -- erm, your hobbies look wonderful tonight
hobby lol
a lot of things online are just hooby or passtime seeking with others virtually but it has to be veiled it can never be expressed as just that for some reason
7:41 7:41
I dont like how it defaults to for you
Well i do know why
Harry potters bedroom was actually quite nice and cozy i never understood why jk rowling made such a big deal about it
3:33 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_DKh7cZRNnQ
Toasted bread heel and i am transported to a past job ; brunch calls for toasted bread but the heels are unbecoming we can't serve that ! into the trash but not if i get there first into the toaster then glazed by brush with melted butter eaten quickly as i have dishes to collect
I'm out of things to say
2 dudes but they are just chilling they are hanging out !!!!!!!
I can feel a draft up against my ankles
Every cloud is an opportunity for flowers
Applying to jobs and just trying to come off as a kind soul in my emails and blurbs just being a nice well intentioned young man
trudging along through drudgery dreading what may come from their treachery
My uncle used to have a pool in the rough shape of a fish , i was 6 and would kneel down and pray to it that while swimming I would be protected from predators ; i used to imagine that on the other side of the deep end lamp there were sharks that could break through at any moment
I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked
The squirrels are on the move
Sitting in my crimes of the future eating chair to aid digestion
Le cafe est vraiment servi
Idiot move to pop my back pimple before bed
Bleeding all over my fresh sheets wtf
Tiktok bios are our epigrams
Every sunday when my weekly screen time chart resets i tell myself that this week will be different it never is
Drinking straight from the bottle by means of a glass
I dont really need much but amenities like a freezer and plumbing are nice
Do moths seek the light
people being silent and ignoring you when you are perceived to be annoying is way worse than being beaten up like it used to be
Also abbreviating my username because it doesnt roll off the tongue
I never set my banner photo until now what di u guys think
New vinland saga series 2 is kinda ass so far is it this overdramatized in the manga i dont remember series 1 being that way
I need to get on smule
I love it when he switches from the smile pics to the serious pics in his videos
Knemon was right
Tyranny of the ugly man
Lets examine the refreshments shall we
Forgot to brush my teeth this morning forgive me now im out and about
I ate some sausage and potatoes and eggs and tabasco
I miss cumcel where did he go i deactivated for 20 days several months back and when i returned he was gone
When will mr duluth MN come back on here hes been on xtended leave
Theres sap in the trees if you tap em
in 20 years every nuyuppie of that day will fight tooth and nail for what the lames of today wear it will be marked up 600% after the secondhand price cut
i wish more people liked what they liked a lot of people don't you'd be surprised
I think ive been up for a few hours maybe only just one and a half i never looked at the clock
there was a semi viral tiktok of some black guys teasing their white coworker for eating from a can of baked beans cold and i loooked through the comments and found no reference to the movie theater beans joke
they didnt know they were talking to the number one diner patron in the nation (me)
checking in on my grandparents old house that my grandpa sold a couple years back the new people repainted it and flipped it a few months ago what a shame
Obsessed with jonesdacon89
i have never followed any pied pipers personally i skip to the flute in my mind, i march with my procession of one
Im washing my oatmeal pot out rn for round 3
today: breakfast (oatmeal) , lunch (oatmeal) , dinner (???)
Lots o whiners
I look at letterboxd for the same reason but imdb is ok because its mostly older people and tons of reviews and ratings from 20 years ago a bunch of ratings on imdb and few on letterboxd is generally a good sign
I always check rym when i like a new music thing to see if its widely rated if theres anything more than 100 on any release i get disappointed bc if not then i know its pure and safe from the people who frequent that site unless the youtube mandate of heaven strips it of its veil
What good is friend enemy distinction when everyone is your friend and you have no enemies
books are meant to be sequestered they are to be stowed away
I look forward to seeing my friend joe every morning
snow angels
im bringing it back
I like to remember things my own way