Listening2 the radio thru the Phone call that the U er driver onthe other end is Playing
Gotcut forn the Soccer team
Dealingwith eternal septembrists is a Lot different than physical counterparts , The new Skieers ar e confird physically 2 the bunny slope , in the Informationalimmaterial space ,, they r right there with U ; this is why It feels more annoyijg
The timeis right 4 Dfw
Kronenburgian-phonein hand something Groteque , something We cant see but they can ,, They Live ,, gripping
Bananapeel bt the Bus reae exit someOn'es fonna slip ,
Usay shirtshleeves nd no one knows What u mean Nymore
Myheart is Full for my country , Pater noster , alma Mater
Iam the Master of my Fate ,, I am the captain of mu Soul
Measure Of actingin the mind of the Commonman is imitation ,, see Popular tiktok archetype of Recital sometimes just word and intonationCadence , sometimes in Costume
Eternal September Livestreamers as Buskeers and Influencersas Carneys
Ukant shroud Dogma asReason then Shame ppl 4 seeing the Bride thru the Veil
They all Laughed at the Adults playing Teenaters on the Silverscreen , but whos Laughing now ? Art has antixipated Life , I look Around nd this is what I see
Layne Goatmilm
Im just Asking U todance
Paying my Dues
My Eyes , soren eys , I'min need of a Refresh , deepIn thswimming Pool i look into the dimmed Lifgt portal to Another
Walden Walden
I pin Mt 99theses on this here wall ,
Isthe Darkness residing in Man exploitedby Business fortheir gain Moral , or is man Pure and Business Eve?
Is a Vurtuous man betterplaced in a company of Virtuous menand intentions or the opposite ; i say the opposite for the former id a matter of selfpleasure Psalms 26:5 says Otherwise , but the new testsment sides with me ,Beati , he is left with choices to Do the right thing
Some1 came to me in a dream nd told me to sever The line beteween Real me nd X me , no link no traces
Creaking Tankliner ; thrashing Waves
I disliked Keeping the latops in the drawer and takingthem in and out all of the time ,, not enough space I like the desktop permanence
I just Need a place to keep things , Easy in easy out , thats what the problem Is it needs to be Neat or it will drive me Crazy
How Can I move past It ? How can i take a step Fwd and forget , how can I unburden My mind , how cna I just use what I have now
I regret the Money i spent ,, that was rlly gift cards On steam ; i regret The money i spent On new computers when i hada Good one already , just needed 2be fixed up , nd i gave it away ..
Bocalfry passengerlecturer Telling off a Cop ; welltodo Journalists Examinfing the factson the grojnd
Often What i want 2 express is in the notez i dont play Which is fine though Maybe undesired
I live in My own world nd im happy to
Onlynow Regretting deleting all of my movies
I need 2be here more andntjere less, and not on the phone in general ..
Same ss it ever was
When I first heardthe term Back Office i was shocked
The 4G/5G trainsition failed 4G was the highwater mark for capability nd range now That they switched bands if U dont live in a coty service Sux
My callinng is to Toil ; if not the land then the Lines , if not the lines then the Leaves , if not the leaves then the
Thesame Structures reform and reform
Knowing the Ways over time removed isto know theways of a stranger only as that isWhat u hv become
It was Only natural that the movers nd shakers take up DJing , as music appreciation isnow more predominantly retrospective
It is Good 2 hear about Rich guys who still play squash youd think They were a dying breed , golf has Eaten all
some Fellow strdiing rigid speakerphone Bonjovi chorus in revolution
I need to keep Toiling
they Dont let you reach into yourpocketd to dig through crumpled papers and receipts for a Coin or two to slotinto the paypjone They dont let you do that anyMore , you cant lean up against the wall with the phone crooked in Your ear with your javket thays a little too thin for the temperature and the wind and look out of the corner of your eye at the passersby , its sad, they dont let uou do it anymore
He was Soaking Wet , toght knit sweatervest witb nothing underneath and whiye pants and a brownbayged beer he looks like a Movie Star
I still Blieve in America the Beautiful
I should make a digital version of REDACTED wirh LOVE2D or OpenGL
Im also going to have to write an essay about the cultural arbitrage going on in this phenomenon of the Image subsuming All , how through fashion and self image people claim heritage to past collective movements like noble houses did fabled Heroes , in look alone anx none of the substance ; its all artifice ; my boss said to me it used to be three ways : either you played sports , played music , or worked on cars That was it that was all there was ... how this will not last forever and once our Signaling apparata readjust the lights will come on int the club , or maybe not , this could Just be the New Normal , how once you see it its just Dissonant everywhere , all of the people , so cool looking , and then you talk to thwm ..
Cant stop thinking ab the 2006 Schrader Canon Essay its all i think about its the most important thing ever since it came out its that and the iPhone
Another idea : translate rhe test application ledger i have stored as Excel into an ag-grid table as part of the aformentioned effort ; with history and tracking and revisions; skngle source of truth called the "Ledger"
I hv and idea dor work so aspart of my reforming the testjobs stuff i will add to the test harness interface a way to run the jobs from the gui and change configurations on the fly : REDACTED repo n branch , REDACTED repo n branch , REDATCTED branch , etc . Then pass that ifo to jenkins to do with it what it wants also checking to see if a job is running and the job configuration has changed beyond normal stuff that can b configured when building the job screen shows , then another view for the deployment jobs where the numbers are available with metadata so U can see what's what ; also having a dropdown somewhere for vetted test job repos and corresponding REDACTED repos
Need 2 right the ship And turn things around , flip the script .
do I cry out becauseI am caught ?
my ointments sit punctured and Folded in my baggy like guppys waiting2 be baited
the Genius in an employee is 2 present an incomplete-komplete solution where the final piece ,, better yet if it is trendy or shiny , can be placed on top of the christmas treee like a star , by someone more senipr or a manager
thinking Ab writing about Digital Minimalism and the scene around it that has emerged ;; while yes we must consider Eternal September i think a lot of the Productivity Minded populace has gravitated towards it and are really influencing the shape of it
Barefoot , strawhat, Cuban Cigar; just pedaling along to the next atoll
sumtimes I think of domething so transcendant it leaves Me in an instant
or Doesnt have to be Costco maybe something More fun like McDonalds
I hv an idea :: wasm - OSM - gmapsdata map website showing u closest Costco to u walking distance
its the Biggest Vote Impetus evr but not for the reasons U think ..
and Now we see why Alexandria burned , Pegramum crumbled :: the librarians ,, keepijg stock and inventory , set fire to what remained on the shelves
I am in the Iron Maiden , any move and I am pricked;
One Curious thing ab thw rise lf the dumbphone is the faction of young people who go adfter these e-inl devices like the Boox Mini or a dumbphone in companion with a Kindle ,, as seen in their Every Day Carry ,, the intentionz are clear -- they will say it themselves: "i cant wait to stop scrolling and read more" , the contentspice must flow ; it is not enough that they unshackle themselves and be bored or reconnect with the material world they just want to Consume in a healthier way , no airquotes reading books is objectively better ,
Feeling Better 2day
Im really Upset by whats goingon
It Makes me sick
Going Back to the rip-off applimit replacement apps , at least this one is one time purchase
Tell me What you see
need to Stop logging in2 X and remember that this is where i need 2 be
I can Transmute lead in2 Gold
Ineed to buld my Ark
Idk How you cannot see , how can you not see, the ship slips below the waves will you look ? Will you see ? They carried Fitzcarraldo over the Mountain, they carry us now to the seafloor ; beat the waves , brush strokes in ona pallette , oceanblue and seaspray white ; beat, beat for we havw much left to paint
in a Race for clowns , you must vote for Canio , for he is the Supremeof clowns
The Gordian knot has been cut ,,
Smoke nd Mirrors
I Need to be donning a Suit on a rainy night and stumbling into a diner open late and walking in along the booths along the front windows to the Barstools
im terribly stressed out over everythingn , the world, my life, the thinngs todo
Again, too Much coffee
I am a stranger to the Friends i once knew ; i am reborn, i am remade ,, i cannot show too much all at omce, you whisk in ingredients slowly
i dont like havibg devices its all mental clutter
the screen is numbing its hard to think straight ,, need to free myself ... thinking about crypto and all of the money i could have made
Its been a busy weekof political events finding itb hard to unstick my eyes from the tube
need to stop with the coffee it does me no good ,, i just get stressed and incapacitated, time 2 switch back to tea for good
trying out the journal feature ...the thought here is that i can supplant tweeting witn tbis, not just to use twitter less but also because my tweets r generally more introspective or meditative , which is not a bad thing its just not really suited for the platform, i dont need everyone to see it i just need to get it out there. this is supported by the fact of me struggling to engage in a conversation resulting from any one of these tweets , usually i find it gard tk come up witb a good response. this carries over to in person intellectual dialogue too , i just speak to speak and get stuff off my mind that im thinking of. why not notes? to multipurpose. journal means journal why not by hand like i used to? im a faster mobile typist than i am handwriter. also bluetooth allows me to connect my keyboard if im in a verbose mood. cant do thay with a notebook hoping this is fruitful